Subject: This simple bench press rep method will make your chest GROW...

You don't always need new exercises to make your chest grow...sometimes you just need to do regular ones a bit differently.

That's where the One and a Quarter Rep Bench Press technique goes to work.

We focus more time on the bottom 1/4 of the exercise, where the pecs are under greater stretch (which increases the muscle-building benefits of the exercise).

If you usually just focus on weight on the bench, this is going to be an eye-opener. It's going to force your chest to be a much greater contributor to the exercise (useful if you have a hard time feeling your chest working, too).

Take a look at One and a Quarter Rep Bench Press here and watch your chest grow!

One and a Quarter Rep Barbell Bench Press - One Quarter Up

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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