Subject: This fat-loss workout builds INSANE work capacity while getting you shredded...

Now, I'm not a minimalist trainer, trying to get results from doing as little work as possible.

I'm kind of the opposite...I love to see how MUCH I can do.

And I love to train to be able to do MORE of it.

THIS workout is one of my new favorites ways to do that. It's similar to one that I posted recently, using a low step and the rack to do interval training stepping, increasing the load each time.

With this new version, I adjusted the pattern and it works MUCH better like this.

I was able to use almost a hundred pounds more at the peak, working up to using 515 lbs, doing stepping cardio.

This is a killer challenge for your cardiovascular system AND strength-endurance AND work capacity.

It is a BEAST for burning fat, too.

Get the full Heavy Cardio Stepping workout here...


Note on that program I talked about yesterday, Fighter Abs...

I have to apologize as it turns out the download page was missing from the program, so if you purchased it, it came to a blank page!

I have a copy of the program myself, so if you DID buy it, forward your receipt to and let me know and I'll send that over to you.

My apologies again for that! The program is excellent...I just didn't realize it was missing in action!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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