Subject: This ab exercise CRUSHES planks...and crunches... and sit-ups...

SERIOUS core training is not about getting "six-pack abs" or a "toned tummy" (I can't believe I just wrote the words "toned tummy").

If you want to develop incredible core strength that boosts your athletic and strength performance, you need core training that is functional, movement-based and utilizes significant resistance.

Dumbbell Crawling for core strength

You need an exercise that is going to challenge your core in ways it has NEVER experienced before.

And that exercise is Dumbbell Crawling...

I'll be honest...this is one of THE weirdest abdominal exercises you'll ever's also one of the most effective and one of my absolute favorites for developing ridiculous core strength.

You're not going to be doing any crunching or twisting or squeezing. There are no machines involved...heck, there's no need to really even focus on contracting the core muscles.

Because once you start doing this exercise, your body will have NO CHOICE but to fire your abs HARD in order to do it.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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