Subject: This 10-Minute "burst training" burns MORE fat than 30 minutes of cardio

Here's the thing...cardio has it's place. The problem is, many people tend to over-rely on it for fat-loss.

Can it be effective? Sure. But is there a BETTER way to burn fat?



  • Most forms of traditional cardio completely ignore your upper body.  You could be burning HUNDREDS of additional calories in your workout if you simply engaged these muscle groups.
  • Your body easily adapts to jogging, biking, etc. – which means you burn LESS calories the more often you do it, i.e. your body gets efficient at them.
  • The same repetitive motions lead to overuse injuries that can dog you for months, or even YEARS.
  • Low-intensity cardio only burns calories DURING the workout...your body STOPS burning calories the second you step off the treadmill or elliptical.

So yes, there IS a better way.

10-Minute Burst Burns MORE Fat Than 30-Minutes of Cardio

The secret to this is in the strategic pairing of exercises.  Instead of doing the same repetitive motions that your body can easily adjust to, you’ll be working MULTIPLE areas of your body at once, releasing a FLOOD of fat-burning hormones, which strip away your fat while maintaining your lean muscle.

10-Minute Burst Burns MORE Fat Than 30-Minutes of Cardio

This is very effective stuff...very little equipment and TIME required!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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