Subject: The trick to losing stomach fat...

So yesterday, I told you about a program designed to help you burn more fat from your stomach.

It's called Isometrics Abs and it's a VERY interesting concept.

Now, to clarify, it's not exactly spot reduction (burning fat from ONLY one area), but more of a way to burn MORE fat from your stomach area than you normally would with a total-body approach.

I'm going to give you a quick rundown on the proposed mechanism of action, so you can see why I find it so interesting.


It's all about blood flow...

Research has shown that the fat cells adjacent to muscles that are getting worked are "warmer"... and release more fatty acids into the bloodstream.

This article goes into detail on the concept.

Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans?

(hint: the answer is yes)

But that's not a reason to do a thousand crunches in hopes of burning off stomach fat. There is a better way.


Targeted isometric contractions...

A recent study has also shown that a targeted isometric contraction of the abdominal muscles resulted in a reduction of fat in the local area.

"Following a regime of six isometric abdominal contractions held for 6 sec. each, significant reductions were obtained in girth and subcutaneous fat at the waistline and the umbilical level of the abdomen. The exercises were done daily for a period of four weeks, with no additional abdominal or conditioning exercises, and no appreciable change in weight. "

Changes in Waistline and Abdominal Girth and Subcutaneous Fat following Isometric Exercises


Once the fat is released from the fat cells, what do you do with it?...

This is where it gets down the nitty gritty.

So once you get the idea that you CAN release more fat from fat cells near muscles that are being worked with isometric contractions, you have to DO something with those fatty acids floating around your bloodstream, otherwise your body will just put them right back in storage.

And the best way to do this is with some simple "metabolic conditioning" exercises that most efficiently burn those fatty acids off.


THAT is how you may be able to achieve some measure of spot reduction in your stomach fat..

And THAT is how the Isometrics Abs program works.

The program lays it all out for you, including what isometric exercises work best, what kind of metcon to do, when to do these exercises, and a lot more detail on the science and explanation of how it works.

I've given you a rundown of the why...Isometrics Abs gives you the HOW.

Once you grab a copy and read through it you'll see why I'm really intrigued at the possiblities it presents and why I'm going to be doing a lot more experimenting with the concepts here.

I've even got some ideas for some complementary methods that I think can make an even bigger impact on the burning of fat specifically from the stomach.

Bottom line, if you're training and dieting for overall fat loss already, using this method could result in significant additional fat loss from your stomach area, which is an exciting proposition!

Grab your copy of Isometrics Abs here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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