Subject: The top 7 Vince Gironda exercises of all time...(great old school training!)

Vince Gironda was a legend in the bodybuilding
world...sometimes dismissed as a crackpot
but, in my opinion, he was a trainer who was
WAY ahead of his time.

His approach really influenced me and how I approach training
technique and exercise creation...everything has to have a
physiological PURPOSE for being done. It's never just different for
the sake of being different.

Here are 7 of Vince's most powerful "old school" exercises...

Each one is done for a very specific build muscle in
the RIGHT places so that the body looks better...not to just build
muscle indiscriminately.

Vince believed you could destory the visual appeal of a physique
by building muscle without regard to WHERE it was built.

These 7 exercises will help you sculpt yourself...wide shoulders,
powerful chest, tapered waist...WITHOUT looking like a solid
block of meat.

Very good stuff!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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