Subject: The problem with going to the doctor for back pain...

When it comes to back pain and doctors, here's the main problem...

Back pain is not a's a SYMPTOM.

Something else is wrong in your body and the pain is just a result of what's wrong.

Doctors who only address the pain without addressing the ROOT CAUSE of the problem aren't going to fix anything...the pain is just going to get worse and worse, requiring more and more drugs to manage.

Now, I've got nothing against doctors and you SHOULD go see a doctor when something is wrong...and many doctors genuinely DO want to help get to the root of the problem.

However, at the same time, I'm sure you probably realize that modern medicine is not always about fixing things.

On this page is a story of a Yoga instructor...who, with all the mobility and flexibility work, you would think would be the LAST person to suffer from back pain.

Michelle was suffering from near-crippling back pain...

...and this is how she FIXED it in just 60 minutes (with simple drugs, no surgery).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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