Subject: The last printed copies of this FREE book are going FAST...(don't wait)

The past few days, I've talked about a book from my friend Tyler Bramlett, called 27 Body Transformation Habits You Can't Ignore.

TODAY is the LAST DAY he's giving it away for FREE (+6.95 s&h) and he also just let me know that he's running out of hard copy versions FAST...likely in just a few hours.

This is a hard copy printed book that you can hold in your hand (I actually prefer hard copy books to ebooks, myself...old school, I guess ;).

So if you prefer a "real" book, you'll want to go grab your copy now.

And honestly, the timing on this book couldn't be better, given the time of year. Forget New Year Resolutions...this is stuff you WILL actually do.

You'll find it packed with simple tips and habits you can use to "hack your life" and change things for the better.

I highly recommend it...I actually use a lot of this stuff myself already and it works.

Inside you'll learn cool tricks like:

- The 45-Second “Shower Trick” That Ignites Your Metabolism And Improves Sleep, Depression And Your Hormones!

- Why You Should NEVER Sleep For 8-Hours And The Best Way To Burn Fat While Sleeping!

- A Coffee “Hack” You Can Use In The Morning To Dramatically Reduce Your Appetite, Give You More Energy And Put Your Body In All Day Fat Burning Mode!

- How To Eat Doughnuts, Pizza, Ice Cream And All Of The Other “Forbidden Foods” Without Storing ANY As Body Fat!

- Why Cell Phones Could Be Causing You To GAIN WEIGHT And The 15-Second “Earthing” Fix You Can Use To Stop It!

- The 5-Minute “Breathing Trick” You Can Do While Sitting That Reduces The Stress Hormone Cortisol And Boosts Your Energy, Fat Loss And Mood!

Grab your free copy here....(supply is limited...most of the books are gone already...and the rest are going fast!)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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