Subject: The insane fat-loss workout I did yesterday (complete workout to try)

(Note: there's a LOT of stuff in this email, so please take a few
minutes to read it all the way through!)

You read my emails because of the insane training info and
exercises I send out, right?

Just wanted to be sure because the workout I've got for you
here IS a bit insane...and if you try it, you should know that
up front.

I also want to make one thing clear up front...this workout is
brutal. And when I say a workout is brutal, BEING BRUTAL

The goal is to ramp up the metabolism and burn fat. If a
workout is brutal, that's just a side's a challenge.
I'm NOT training with the goal of killing of myself just to
kill myself (or you!).

If you want to make yourself sore, drop a rock on your foot.

Let's target the goal we actually want to target, not the side effect.

So the base workout format is Fat Loss Circuit Training. If
you're not familiar with this, have a read-through of that article
first. I've just made a few tweaks to it to really ramp up the
metabolic effects.

Some of the exercises you may not be familiar with, so I'll
give a brief explanation of them as well.


The Workout

First, do a your warm-up (whatever you normally do is fine).

In between each "weight" set, you'll be doing cardio training -
40 seconds of moderate-intensity work. For me, it was stair-
stepping on my basement steps.

Here's the tweak...on the way TO and FROM each cardio period,
I did a Farmers Walk with a pair of 125 lb dumbells (a Farmers
Walk is basically just carrying dumbells at arms-length at your
sides). Naturally, you don't have to use THAT much weight,
but pick a set of dumbells that will challenge you.

Essentially, I would do a set of resistance training, pick up
the dumbells and Farmers Walk them over to the stairs, do
40 seconds of stair stepping, pick up the dumbells and
Farmers Walk them back over to where I was doing the
resistance training, then do another set. Then repeat.

So in between EVERY single set of resistance training (and
INSTEAD of rest), I would do a Farmers Walk, stair stepping,
then another Farmers Walk back.

Now that you know the format and what to do in between
every resistance set, here are the exercises I did (and feel
free to sub out any exercises you can't do with others of your
own choosing).

Set #1 - Crab Walk Push-Ups - Set your hands in the
normal position but set your feet a little apart as well. Do a
push-up then at the top, bring your left hand and foot in
beside your right hand and foot then step your right hand
and foot out to the side. Then do another push-up. Repeat
this pattern moving right then moving left for as many reps
as you can.

Set #2 - Hand Walking Push-Ups - Similar to the previous
exercise only don't move your feet. They'll stay in place and act
as a pivot point as your upper body moves in a circular pattern.
Go left then right, for as many reps as you can get.

Set #3 - One Leg Alternating Push-Ups - A normal push-up
done on one foot. On each rep, alternate which foot is off the

Set #4 - Unstable Bar Pull-Ups - these are done on a high
pulley or pulldown machine. Set it to the full stack...or anything
that's more than your bodyweight. Now do a set of wide grip
pull-ups using that pulldown machine bar. The bar will tip and
spin and constantly move around as you do the exercise.

Set #5 - Reverse Grip Unstable Bar Pull-Ups - same as
above only take a close, palms forward grip.

Set #6 - Unstable Bar Chin-Ups - same as above only take
a close, palms under chin-up grip on the bar.

Set #7, 8, 9 - Rotational Sumo Goblet Squats - hold a
dumbell in a goblet squat position (dumbell vertical, hands
under the top plates, held like a goblet), set your feet out fairly
wide. Squat down. Now you'll use your left foot as a pivot point,
come up out of the squat with a powerful movement and
ROTATE 180 degrees around (start with 90 degrees the first
time you do it) so that you're facing the other way. Come straight
down into a squat then repeat, coming all the way back around
again. Do 4 to 6 reps on your left leg as a pivot then 4 to 6
reps on your right leg as a pivot. This is a GREAT exercise for
gluteus medius and minimus muscles, developing power
through the hips and legs.

Set #10 - Cross-Over Lunges - like a normal forward lunge
only instead of stepping striaght forward, step your right leg
across in front of your left leg then push back up. This targets
the adductors strongly.

Set #11 - Diagonal Lunges - like a normal forward lunge.
Step out at a 45 degree angle then push back up. This hits the
abductors/gluteus medius and minimus

Set #12 - Forward and Reverse Alternating Lunges - do
a forward lunge then come up and back and without touching
your foot down go straight back into a reverse lunge. Do 5 to
6 reps with your right leg planted (one time forward and reverse
counts as one rep) then repeat on the other leg. If balance is
an issue, you can touch your feet down between the forward
and reverse lunges, otherwise go without touching.


And remember, in between EACH resistance set, you'll be
doing a Farmers Walk, cardio for 40 seconds, then a Farmers
Walk back to where you're training.

I finished up with a few sets of Dragon Flags for abs (it's an
advanced ab exercise that Bruce Lee used to do a lot - GREAT
for abdominal strength). No cardio in between these sets for abs.


So that's the can see why I described it as brutal.
You get ZERO rest, constantly changing movement patterns and
energy systems, and carrying heavy stuff around.

And just fyi, no this is not Cross-Fit. This is not about beating
your time on the circuit or anything like that. This about targeting
the major muscle groups and movement patterns in your body
in a controlled fashion to increase metabolism.

Push yourself but NEVER compromise form in an effort
to get more reps.

Cross-Fit has it's positives and negatives but I've found many
of the negatives just come from poor instruction and supervision...
there are a LOT of great coaches who work with Cross-Fit that I
have tremendous respect for and who shouldn't be judged based
on YouTube "fail" videos (as scary as they might be!).


Man 2.0 - Engineering the Alpha - FINAL
DAY for bonuses

I also wanted to drop you a quick reminder that the special
bonus packages available for my friend John Romaniello's book
"Man 2.0 - Engineering the Alpha" are going to end TONIGHT...
and there will be no extensions.

This is an excellent book...more along the lines of a lifestyle book,
not a workout book, just so you know. GREAT info in it, though.

And since I didn't put together a big giant bonus package
myself, I want you to go through my friend Vince Del
Monte's link so you can get HIS bonus packge.
He went
NUTS with how much he's offering and you'll get the most bang
for your buck that way.

Here's what he's offering:

Option #1 - Buy 10 Copies of Man 2.0

When anyone purchases the TEN COPY book package I'm going
to MATCH your investment in product of my own.

10 books at $19 a piece = $190 plus s+h & tax so that's basically
a $200 investment on your end! Because you're going to give
these copies to people like your business colleagues, training
buddies, students, cousins, brothers, team members, father and
father-in-law... I'm going to reward you with $200 in FREE
hardcopy products of my own. Never before, never again. Here's
your options:

  • Stage Shredded Status - 8 Disk Set - $149.95 Retail Price
  • No Nonsense Muscle Building & Fat Loss - 9 Disk Set - $97 Retail Price
  • Live Large LIVE - 6 -Disk Set - $179 Retail Price
  • Flavia's Curvalicious - 3 Disk Set - $79 Retail Price
  • Flavia's Fullbodylicious - 3 Disk Set - $79 Retail Price

Mix and match anything here that comes in under $200 and we'll
ship them immediately to your house, and we'll even cover the
shipping and handling :)

Option #2 - Buy 3 Copies of Man 2.0

The offer I extended yesterday is going to be extended again but
it'll be on three books: 12 months of Live Large TV and the digital
videos of Live Large LIVE.

Option #3 - Buy 1 Copy of Man 2.0

This is another brand new offer and I'm going to hook you up with
the digital online videos of Live Large LIVE - my groundbreaking
seminar that teaches you how to live large in your fitness, business
and life.

So First, click here to go get Man 2.0 - Engineering the Alpha

Here's what to do to get your bonuses:

1. Open up a ticket at
2. Use the subject line, "Nick sent me and I bought _____ copies of Man 2.0"
3. Attach your receipt for proof of purchase & so our team can
verify you ordered via the tracking links in this email.


That's it for today! If you try the workout above or if you
have any questions about it before you do, definitely let
me know!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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