Subject: The REAL secret to "getting abs"...(it's the opposite of what you might think)

This sounds strange to say, but one of the biggest secrets to "getting abs" is that you should NOT focus on doing a lot of direct ab training.

Some is necessary for full development, and you SHOULD do some well-targeted ab training...however, if you're spending a full workout just on abs, you're REALLY wasting your time.

The best way to achieve a midsection like this... through big-muscle movements that integrate the abdominals as a unit rather than trying to isolate the "showpiece" muscles with stuff like crunches. Then you add in some abdominal-focused exercises to address specific core functions and "visual" details.

That's why I like THIS program from my friend and collegaue Eric Allen.

Here's the funny thing, though....

The name of Eric's program is completely the opposite of what you'd expect from a "functional" abs program of this nature.

You see, Eric is an underwear model (that's him in the pic above)...and the program is called "Underwear Model Abs."

When I first saw the title of the program, I thought "okay, this is some fluff piece full of crunches and 'sculpting' garbage."

I was pleasantly surprised when I talked to Eric about his approach to find out that it's actually VERY similar to my own...

...big muscle movements that attack the core and strengthen it, with SOME "aesthetic" ab training included to complete the visual look of the abs.

Learn how to get "underwear model abs"...and build strength at the same time!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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