Subject: The Lung Crusher Workout...(yes, you read that right)

This one is designed to literally crush the air right out of you the whole way through as a way to train your breathing muscles to function under load and teach you HOW to breathe under load (it's very different than normal breathing).

(just FYI, I was also calling this one the F-U Circuit while I was doing it...a lot).

Go non-stop through these four exercises with a loaded carry in between each exercise.

This workout is taken from my Metabolic Monsters book (if you haven't gotten that one yet and you like this kind of brutal training, you are missing's incredible stuff).


Exercise #1 - Vertical Dumbbell Close Grip Bench Press x 10-12 reps

This is a tricep-focused press, done in just a partial range (the heavier the dumbbell, the shorter the range). The dumbbell is held vertically with your hands under the top set of plates, like a pullover position.

Lower to your chest and rest it FULLY on your chest taking ALL the tension out of your arms and chest. Now breathe 3 times in and out with it resting on your chest...literally crushing the air out of you.

Then press back up and repeat.

Here's a close-up view.

I used a 125 lb dumbbell for this.


Loaded Carry to use in between each exercise - Dumbbell Zercher Carries.

I used the 125 lb dumbbell for this exercise. You'll be doing in between every other exercise in this circuit.

If you're able to, start with the dumbbell standing on end on the floor.

Squat down DEEP then clamp your forearms around the handle and under the top set of plates.

You can also set the dumbbell on a bench so it's not as awkward.

Stand up then walk, carrying it about 15 feet, then turn around and come back again.

This carry puts major load on the frontal abdominal muscles (again, more lung crushing) in a very awkward position that doesn't allow for full breaths (the shoulders have to stay forward to support the weight in front of you).

Watch out for sweaty forearms after a few rounds of this one....the plates can get slippery.


Exercise #2 - Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows x 4-6 reps

Lie on your stomach on a flat bench, dumbbells on the floor beside the bench. I used 65's for this. Don't go too heavy as we're going to be holding the contracted position for 3 breaths at the top of the row while the weight is pulling your body down into the bench...crushing your lungs.

On each rep, set the dumbbells back down on the floor, inhale deeply and reset your body position then row up and hold again.

The hold at the top will be very demanding on your breathing ability.

Once you've finished your reps, do another Zercher Dumbbell Carry


Exercise #3 - Goblet Lunges x 3 reps each leg

Use a HEAVY dumbbell for this one. I used the 125 lb db for it and it was horrible. Hold the dumbbell in a goblet position while doing lunges, alternating legs to keep it even.

After all the other stuff you've done, this one is just brutal with a heavy weight.

Pick up the dumbbell on the handle with both hands, then kneel down and set on end on your knee. Get your hands under the top set of plates and stand up.

Now step forward and down into the lunge.

Come all the way back to the top standing position.

Then lunge forward on the other leg.

It probably won't be your legs that stop you on this'll be your ability to support the dumbbell in the goblet position and actually breathe at the same time.

Do another Zercher Dumbbell Carry.


Exercise #4 - Lockout Partial Front Squats x 4-6 reps.

I have 405 lbs on the bar, for just the top 6 inches of the range of motion of the front squat. The idea with this one is MAXIMUM loading on the breathing muscles, so the short range is what we're looking for...not necessarily to challenge the legs as much as the lungs.

Get under the bar (I recommend a cross-arm grip for this partial-range exercise), lock yourself in tight, then power it off the rails then to lockout.

Then set back down again on each rep. If you're using a lighter weight, you could do continuous reps. With that load, there was no way that was happening for me.


Now finish with one final Zercher Dumbbell Carry.

Rest 3 minutes, then repeat for 3-5 total rounds.



You can watch the full video of this workout here.

I've got it posted on my Facebook page (don't worry, you don't need a FB account to watch it).

If you're interested in reading more about Metabolic Monsters, click here.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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