Subject: The KEY to long-term, "never-gain-it-back" fat-loss...

Why is it that 99% of people who lose a large amount of fat always seem to gain it back again?

What’s so hard about sustaining fat loss long-term?

The answer lies in the brain.

Your brain has developed certain habits over the long run...and those habits can be overpowered for a certain amount of time.

It's the real problem with "going on a diet"...what happens when you come OFF the often go right back to the original habits that put the weight on in the first place because nothing has changed in your brain.

The REAL solution is to re-wire your brain to support your fat-loss efforts, so that over time, it gets easier, not harder, to keep it essence, you need to create a new brain situation.

When you understand the brain and how it works, losing fat and keeping it off suddenly gets easy.

It's like flipping a switch.

I've got a link for you here to a video from something called the Food Freedom series.

This is put together by Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson and in it, she explains the 5 critical ways to rewire your brain so that eating the right foods, and not eating the wrong foods, becomes completely automatic.

Now, just so you know up front, this information isn't geared towards bodybuilding or fitness in's primarily for people who just want to "get their head right" when it comes to proper eating.

That can be a HUGE challenge for a lot of people, which is why I wanted to get this information to you.

Check out the video here and learn how to rewire your brain for "Food Freedom"...

You'll need to sign up to get access to it, but if this kind of thing is something you have issues with (or know somebody who has issues with it), I would HIGHLY recommend it. Really good stuff.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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