Subject: The 3 Mechanisms of Rapid Muscle Explained & Applied

Did you know that there are three research-supported mechanisms for RAPID muscle growth?
If you neglect any one of them, you’re leaving a ton of gains on the gym floor.

1. Mechanical Tension

2. Metabolic Stress

3. Muscle Damage

For maximal muscle growth you’ll need a plan that cycles all three protocols.

This is not theory. A 2010 paper in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research by Brad Schoenfeld showed these critical mechanisms of hypertrophy.

This is not new information and to many lifters these mechanisms make good sense, however, to many other lifters, the list a bit abstract so let me explain these mechanisms in plain and simple language and HOW to apply them correctly for RAPID muscle growth:

--> 3 Mechanisms of  Rapid Muscle Growth Explained & Applied

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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