Subject: Testosterone-boosting SOAP... ?

You might be wondering is this actually for real?

And, well, to be completely IS quite a bit of would be more like "testosterone-not-decreasing" soap...

What I'm talking about is a new Pine Pollen-infused soap from Lost Empire Herbs. I've been testing it out for the past week and I really like it.


Before I go any further, I do want to let you know that Lost Empire is running a 15% off sale on their entire stock right now until Monday night, with coupon code CYBER15.

You can go directly to their home page here to see what they've got and stock up now.


So does this soap increase testosterone?

There's no evidence to show that, however pine pollen (both in powder and tincture) can be effective for boosting testosterone naturally and safely when taken internally.

Pine Pollen used externally, according to Chinese Medicine, is excellent for rejuvenating the skin. When you're in the shower or bath, the warm water opens up your pores and you can absorb things through your skin.

Most shampoos and soaps have a variety of chemcials...sometimes estrogenic chemcials like parabens.

That's why if you're a man interested in maintaining good testosterone levels, I always recommend using natural soaps and shampoos that don't have that chemical garbage in them.

This herbal-infused soap absolutely qualifies. It's not cheap but I've found it to be excellent stuff and you can get 15% off on it this weekend.


Other Awesome Stuff from Lost Empire Herbs

I often take their Hercules Pre-Workout formula as well (took some a few minutes ago, actually) and highly recommend it if you're interested in a pre-workout that doesn't crank your nervous system up to the moon but still gives you a nice increase in energy and strength.

I notice a difference when I take it compared to when I don't.

The other one I really like is their Spartan Formula, primarily used to target improved recovery. I've found this one allows me to train at a higher level and still recover without getting burnt out.

One of the best things about Lost Empire Herbs is that they NEVER use any artificial colors or flavors. In that respect, sometimes the taste of things can be a bit... "strong"...but you can always be assured you're only getting active ingredients in they stuff you take, which I really like.

Check out their full product line here and use CYBER15 at checkout to get 15% off your order for this whole weekend, through Monday.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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