Subject: Some cool techniques from my Mad Scientist Muscle program...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So if you missed the email I sent yesterday, it was about how I
put my Mad Scientist Muscle program on sale for a couple of days
to celebrate hitting a new PR in the trap bar deadlift...600 lbs!
I've been using the Mad Scientist program for the past 4 months
and it's paying off BIG.

I've cut the price on the program 50% until Saturday at midnight.
You can pick it up here and also check out the video of the lift:




Now, if you're curious about how the program works, it's
basically all explained on that page. Here's the short version of
the 8 week schedule of each phase...

Week 1. Structural Training - techniques designed to change your
body's physiology to better support muscle and strength...e.g.
high-rep, moderate-weight fast training for nervous system
activation, very high rep, light-weight training to improve
micro-circulation to the muscles, and very heavy, short-range
partial training for developing connective tissue strength.

Week 2-4. Accumulation...using a volume-based training approach,
you gradually ramp up the number of sets you're doing while also
decreasing the rest period between sets. Essentially, you're
forcing your body to do more work in less time, which moves you
towards overtraining and forces your body to adapt.

Week 5. Repeat Structural Training

Week 6-7. Intensification...You pull back on training volume (do
fewer sets), you work with heavier weights in a lower rep range,
and you take longer rest periods. This phase is great for
building strength and allowing your body to recover from the
training volume of the accumulation phase.

Week 8. Deloading, fun training and one rep max testing...the
deload in this program is basically 4 days of total rest. The fun
training is a day when you do all the unique and fun exercises
that you haven't been doing during the rest of the program. Then
you test your one rep maxes to get an idea of your strength

Then you go to the next cycle!

I've got 3 full cycles included in the program (6 months of
scheduled training), and the option to get my "Frankenstein"
program (which is another 2 months cycle). This program is for
very advanced trainers's incredibly demanding and the
results are just ridiculous.

I've got a couple of articles that I wanted to share with you
that I think you might find useful in determining if you think
the program might be a good match for you (be sure to use the
purchase link in THIS email if you decide to buy it, though - the
links in this articles are for the regular price).

Time/Volume Training

Using High-Rep Training to Build Muscle


So have a read through those articles and check out this page:


Even if you don't get the program, it's good info that you can
really put to work right away. That Time/Volume Training is one
of my very favorite techniques and can be a very effective full
program all on it's own!


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