Subject: Serious Chest Training for the Pec Deprived...

Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News


If you want a better chest, bigger bench...that kind of
thing...I know you're going to like this email...

I've just released a new book called "The Best Chest Exercises
You've Never Heard Of" and it is literally PACKED with 53 cool
new chest exercises and training techniques that will get you
past any plateau you've hit in your chest training.


Got no patience? Click here to check it out now:


Check some of these exercises out...I've actually posted these
ones right on the web page for the book so you can see them in


This exercise is one of my combines the classic
push-up with outwards-pulling cable resistance at the SAME TIME.
So it's like doing a push-up with two people trying to pull your
arms out from under you while you have pull your arms IN to
resist it. Double trouble - it'll light up your chest!


The One Arm Dumbell Bench Press is a unique exercise on its own
but I've gone one better with this version. It allows you to get
the same benefits of the single arm press (increased neural drive
to one side for greater strength, balance training, core work)
while allowing you to use heavier weight AND keeping the focus on
the pecs instead of the triceps and delts.


The inner chest area can be extremely tough to hit, especially
if all you've got is free weight to do it with. A small change
in position on the bench gives you a direct line on the inner
chest, helping you build up that hard-to-hit inner chest. A
dumbell and a bench is all you need for this one.


So here's the deal...

I've just released this book and right now it's only $29.95 for
the full 53-exercise book. This is just DIRT CHEAP for the sheer
volume of innovative exercises you'll find in it. Exercise
descriptions, pictures, even an entire VIDEO LIBARY that you'll
have full access to so you know exactly how to perform every
exercise and training technique.

If you've got access to free weight and bodyweight and a few
basic pieces of equipment, you'll be able to use the VAST
majority of these exercises.

** Now here's the thing...I'm only keeping it at this price
until Friday, Dec. 18th at midnight. Then it goes up to the
regular price of $49.95. So if you want to get these exercises
for cheap, you've gotta jump on this.

Here's the cool thing...I've posted those THREE exercises taken
directly from the book right on the site for you read to and try
out RIGHT NOW. No need to sign up for anything - just go the
site and learn 'em.

Go check it out here:



P.S. When you get to the site and read through the sample
exercises, right below the last one, you'll notice I've got a
sign-up box where you can grab a report on "10 Things You Can Do
To Increase Your Bench Press FAST!" Definitely sign up for this
- I'm going to be sending out even MORE sample chest exercises to
the people who do.