Subject: SHATTER your genetic limits for muscle...(gain 10 lbs in 3 weeks)

Right now, I'm going to give you a sneak peek into how I gained 10 pounds of lean mass in just 3 weeks... TWICE.

And that's after 28+ years of training...not newbie gains..

Because here's the don't have "genetic limits" have a "genetic STARTING point."

That starting point can be CHANGED (I did it)....and I'm going to tell you how.


So does this sound like you?...

Maybe you haven't gained much muscle in the past few years. You've been struggling to add a few pounds here and there. Maybe you've never really had any success at all.

The problem is not how hard you're working.

The problem isn't even always how good you're eating or how effective your training program is.


The REAL reason you're not building muscle like you should is because of what I call your "bio-infrastructure"...basically, your genetic "starting point."

You see, when you're born, you're dealt a certain hand in terms of how your body functions, what sort of structure it has and how receptive it is to building muscle mass and strength.

These factors include things like your hormonal make-up, the number of muscle fibers you've got, your nervous system efficiency, your blood vessel density, and your connective tissue strength.

Your having a tough time building muscle is NOT your's your parent's fault.

And as I'm sure you've seen, some people are just born with a genetic predisposition to easily building mass.

Their bodies are already set up to build muscle. These are the guys (and girls) who are muscular before they even touch a weight...they bench press 300 pounds the first time they go to the gym.

If you've been struggling to gain muscle, these are the guys you just comes easily and naturally to them. They don't have to work 1/10th as hard as you do to build muscle.

They're "muscle geniuses" who started with the fantastic bio-infrastructure that their parents gave them.


Have you heard the old joke about the guy who can run 100 meters in 5 seconds?

How does he do it?

Well, he knows a shortcut...

And yes, it's a tired, old joke but it perfectly describes what I'm talking about.

The "muscle genius" knows a shortcut. He starts 50 meters down the track, while you're starting right at the very start (or even further back from that!).


What YOU need to do to build mass, then, is improve your "normal" (or below-normal) bio-infrastructure and level the playing field.

You see, you're on the exact same track as these other're just starting further back, which is why they win every time.

That stops now.

I'm going to show you a shortcut that moves you WAY up the track. We're going to change your genetic starting point with targeted training and turn YOU into a "muscle genius," so that you can build muscle as easily as THEY do.


This is NOT done by hammering away at normal training programs that focus on hypertrophy.

Because as good as those programs are (and there are a lot of good ones out there), you will never...and I do mean NEVER...achieve the results those programs are truly capable of giving you unless your bio-infrastructure is optimized.


Using the training methods I'm going to show you, I gained 10 pounds of lean mass in just 3 weeks...and I did it TWICE.

I didn't start my career as a muscle genius. I started right at the start. I was a skinny, 145 lb cross-country runner at age 17. I put in a TON of hard work, research and incredible quantities of food to build the mass that I've got.

And on the way, I learned some amazing things about how to truly build muscle and strength, which I'm going to share with you right now.


1. You need to develop the blood supply to your muscles.

Muscles need to be FED in order to grow. And they need OXYGEN to perform.

When your blood supply is sub-par, your muscles will only grow as much as they can with what they have available. They're trying to grow but they're starving. It's like trying to fill up a water balloon with a dripping faucet versus a wide-open spigot.

As well, when your muscles can't get enough oxygen, they fatigue prematurely and basically "crap out" before they should. You can't perform as well your muscles are actually capable of performing.

Your blood supply can be developed with the right training.

What makes vessels grow with exercise training?, Prior BM, Yang HT, Terjung RL., J Appl Physiol (1985). 2004 Sep;97(3):1119-28.


2. You need to strengthen your connective tissue.

I was stuck at a 300 pound bench press literally for years. It seemed like nothing I could do would move it past that...

...until I discovered that it was my CONNECTIVE TISSUE that was weak, not my muscles.

My muscles were fully capable of lifting that 300 pounds...but my connective tissue weakness was causing my body to shut down the movement in order to protect itself from injury.

Once I figured this out and started training and strengthening my connective tissue, my bench press went up to 350 pounds in a matter of just a couple of months....after being stuck for YEARS.

If YOU have never purposefully trained your connective tissue, you are leaving a LOT of pounds on the table in terms of your overall strength in every major exercise. I promise you that.

Your connective tissue can be strengthened with the right training.

Implications for connective tissue and bone alterations resulting from resistance exercise training., Stone MH, Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1988 Oct;20(5 Suppl):S162-8.


3. You need more muscle fibers.

The more muscle fibers you've got, the greater your muscle building potential is going to be.

That's pretty easy to figure out with basic math skills. The guy with twice as many muscle fibers as you is going to have a much easier time building his muscles than you.

So how do you get more of them?

Well, THIS is how I gained 10 pounds in just 3 weeks.

With the right training (which I figured out how to do), you can achieve what is called "hyperplasia" (muscle fiber splitting) as opposed to hypertrophy (muscle fiber growth).

By using this training method, I gained 10 lean pounds in just 3 weeks (this includes muscle, water and very minimal, if any, fat gain).

You can get MORE muscle fibers with this training (which you can then hypertrophy from there).

Skeletal muscle fiber hyperplasia,. Antonio J, Gonyea WJ., Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993 Dec;25(12):1333-45.

(and yes, there IS evidence that it does happen in people, not just animals)

Motor unit fibre density in extremely hypertrophied skeletal muscles in man. Electrophysiological signs of muscle fibre hyperplasia.  Larsson L, Tesch PA:  Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1986, 55:130-136.


4. You need to improve your nervous system efficiency.

Your muscles don't lift weights on their own...your nervous system is the spark that makes everything happen.

Remember the first time you picked up a weight and lifted your arms were shaking and everything felt uncoordinated?

Now remember after lifting for a few more weeks how your movements got smoother and you got much stronger VERY quickly?

That wasn't you building muscle...that was your nervous system becoming more efficient.

What you may not realize is that you're better now...but your nervous system is STILL not as good as it could be.

Even if you've been training for YEARS, you have a LOT of strength gains left in you...and a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle (generally speaking).

All you need is the right training to UNLOCK your nervous system and you'll be INSTANTLY stronger.

The strength is already in just need to learn how to use it. I'll show you how.

Neural adaptations to resistive exercise mechanisms and recommendations for training practices. Gabriel DA, Kamen G, Frost G. Sports Med. 2006;36(2):133-49.


The bottom line is this...when you properly optimize your bio-infrastructure EVERY SINGLE OTHER PROGRAM YOU DO FROM NOW ON will work better.

That muscle-building program everybody else gets good gains with you but you don't? Now you WILL.

That strength program that your buddy used to set a PR a few weeks ago but didn't budge your lifts at all? Now the weights will FLY up.

Even fat-loss programs will work better...because the more muscle you've got, the bigger your "metabolic engine" is.


It's not going to be easy...but it IS going to be doable.

I will tell you right up front...the training you need to do to accomplish these physiological changes in your body is tough.

Being honest, anything worthwhile IS tough, especially when it comes to making meaningful changes to your physique. You and I both know this.

You need to EMBRACE that toughness and the challenge because THAT is what's going to set you apart from everybody else.

So if you're serious about building the body you're TRULY capable of, THIS is what you need to do.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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