Subject: Read this if you like to Deadlift...

This workout is a murderously awesome deadlift workout....I'll tell you that right up front.

It's going to fry your spinal erectors and build incredible strength-endurance, while also cranking your metabolism through the roof.

This is the exact same "up-and-down-the-rack" concept that we have also applied to barbell squats, which you can see the video for here.

I would recommend using Trap Bar Deadlifts instead of straight-bar deadlifts for this one. The straight bar is more technique-oriented whereas the trap bar is a movement you can blast out reps with.

Essentially, you're going to start with a light weight (about 40-45% of your 1 rep max), then do as many reps with it as you can...probably about 30+ is what we're looking at.

I HIGHLY recommend using some form of grip assistance (straps or hooks) so that your grip isn't the limiting factor on the workout.

If you decide to try this workout, have your plates nearby and ready to go (e.g. 5's, 10's, 25's and 45's). This way, you don't have to run to a plate tree to get them and you definitely will be using them.

I've got 225 lbs on the bar for the first set, which was about 45% of my 1 RM.

Crank out the reps fast, using a "top-down" style of movement, lightly touching the bar to the ground at the bottom on each rep then coming back up rather than fully resetting at the bottom. You can do this easily enough with lighter weight. As you move up in weight, you'll naturally switch to a normal "bottom-up" style of rep.

When you've done as many reps as you can, add 10 pounds to the bar (5 lbs on each side).

The reps will be a lot less on the second part, but that's to be expected.

Now repeat this process....again...and again...and again...

You're going to keep repeating this until you get to a point where you're essentially doing a 1 rep max lift. It won't be your true 1 RM, but it will your "fatigue adjusted" 1 RM.

I worked up to 405 lbs on the bar and it was a grind.

That's UP the you're going to go back DOWN the rack.

Take off 10 pounds after each mini-set and repeat the process in the other direction.

Come all the way back down to your original start weight (225 in my case).

Now...if you TRULY want to push your limits (as if you hadn't already) one more big drop after your original start weight. I reduced it to 135 pounds on the bar to see how many reps I could do and what would happen.

This is what happened...

It was actually a GREAT way to burnout on the final bit of the workout and something I would suggest doing. What I found is that, due to the massive fatigue already built up, I didn't get many reps with 225 lbs. Dropping one more big drop allowed me to really push further.

The entire workout took me about 25 minutes to may be different for you, depending on your strength and endurance levels.

If your starting weight is lower and you have 2 1/2 lb plates, you might wish to increase by 5 lbs instead of 10 lbs.

Overall, though, this is a KILLER metabolic conditioning workout that will challenge your lower back strength, your core strength and your will to live.

I've got the video for this one posted here...


Want More INSANE Metabolic Conditioning Workouts Like This?

I've got exactly what you need...

I recently just updated my Metabolic Monsters book with 23 NEW workouts...for a grand total of 75 killer conditioning workouts, just like the one above.

Even after this big update, I decided to keep the price at just 15 bucks. This is a HUGE value for all the information you get in the program.

If you like this style of training (nuts and awesome), you absolutely should go get this book right now.

This is the kind of stuff that makes life worth living... ;)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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