Subject: Over 40? How to reclaim your youth...

Not in "fighting shape" anymore?

Consider this...starting at age 40, the average male loses about 1% of his muscle mass every year.

I wanted to pop over this note about a 56 year old man from California who is helping men turn the clock back WITHOUT using high intensity/crosstraining style workouts.

How to turn back the clock & build new muscle, even at 40+ years old...

You CAN reverse muscle loss and aging naturally. You CAN accelerate your metabolism, boost your mobility & re-ignite your testosterone levels to your younger days...

You can build a younger, more attractive body...FAST

When you click the link above, you'll be taken directly to a website which details an excellent interview with a popular Fitness & Anti-Aging Expert. (Read More)

In this special interview, you'll see exactly:

  1. How as little as 20 minutes of the RIGHT exercise a few times a week can build lean muscle, burn body fat and make you look and feel better
  2. Five easy steps to training success..
  3. How to know what exercises you should and should not be doing if you're over 40 years old.

Now, if you're a man over 40, we both know that strength training WILL increase testosterone.

And by following these special strength building workouts for men over 40, you will experience experience...

  1. A BOOST in your natural HGH (human growth hormone) and your testosterone levels...
  2. DECREASED FAT while increasing muscle tissue
  3. SHARPER mind and improved confidence
  4. INCREASED overall energy levels and boost mental acuity
  5. PLUS RESTORE & BOOST sex drive in men of virtually any age

This interview will give you actionable tips & advice to help you turn back the clock so that you look and feel younger.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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