Subject: Over 40? Don't make these 3 surprising training mistakes...

And what they are will probablly surprise you...and challenge your notions of what proper "over 40" training should be...

Because I have to say, when I first saw these three training mistakes, I had to stop and think about them.

These are three modes of training that you see recommended just about everywhere you look.

Then I realized...


I've ALREADY naturally "self corrected" on all three of these over the past few years.

  • I still make "Mistake #1" once in awhile...but a lot less frequently than I used to. And when I do, I do it with clear purpose and an eye on recovery.

  • Mistake #2 is something that I actually corrected for a long time ago. I still use the overall concept of it...I've just adjusted the parameters of how I do it so that I get all the benefits and don't suffer the downsides of it.

  • Mistake #3 is a concept that is EXTREMELY popular in the fitness world today because it SOUNDS like it makes a lot of sense. And if done right, it can be great.

    However, if done wrong, it can be downright dangerous, especially if you use the wrong types of exercises.


So are YOU making these three common training mistakes? Find out's real food for thought.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. I'd love to to hear you've adjusted your training as you get older, too. I still do a LOT of crazy things at ag evidenced by the email I send yesterday about the 900 lb loaded carry I did. However, I'm highly tuned to my recovery and I know how much time I need to recover between doing things like this. It's increased over the years.

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