Subject: Ok, this time I've gone too far...this fat-loss training is death...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Well, not literally but MAN did it feel like it by the time I
was done.

If you're interested in really kicking up your metabolism (not
even joking, I actually had to turn the heat down in my house
because my metabolism is still roaring from it...I trained 6
hours ago and I'm still cooking), this technique is going to be
just what the doctor ordered.

Basically, it's Fat Loss Circuit Training (FLCT for short) done
with a twist.

FLCT is a technique that's an integral part of my Metabolic
Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program...

This circuit style is where you do normal weight training but
instead of taking a rest, you actually do cardio in between sets,
so you really get NO rest at all.

It's tough but it works GREAT for fat of the best
techniques I've got for it, in fact. This link will give you the
full work-up on can buy the book if you want to or
sign up for the sample course, but I really just want you to try
the technique I'm going to tell you about that works with this
training style. It's good stuff.

Had a read through? Cool.

So now that you understand how FLCT works, here's the twist...

You're going to do a Dumbell Farmers Walk EVERY time you go from
weight training to cardio training and back to weight training.

I'm taking away the only scant bit of rest you even got with the
original version :) ...the walk to your next exercise. You'll
just do your cardio, pick up the dumbells, walk to your exercise,
do the exercise, pick up the dumbells and walk back to your
cardio...and repeat.

The Dumbell Farmers Walk exercise is just pick up
two dumbells and walk with them! It's basically transportation,
carrying dumbells from Point A to Point B. Of course, when
they're heavy, it's not quite as easy as it sounds...

So here's what it'll look like in a workout... (and when I did
it, I actually used 30 seconds of cardio instead of 40 seconds
and used a pair of 125 lb dumbells for my Farmers Walk).

30 seconds treadmill running
Farmers Walk to first exercise
1 set Dumbell Bench Press
Farmers Walk back to treadmill
30 seconds treadmill running
Farmers Walk back to first exercise
1 set Dumbell Bench Press
Farmers Walk back to treadmill


You repeat this for the entire workout (this link actually has a
sample workout you can try, too)

By the time I was done, I was pretty well shot but this has
kicked my metabolism into GEAR.

Give it a try and let me know what you think (don't use 125
pounders the first time you do it, though...I'm just a bit nuts
like that :)

And if you have any questions about it, let me know.


P.S. "The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of" will
coming out next Tuesday, so keep your eyes peeled for it!