Subject: No offence, but your calves are terrible...(use this exercise to fix 'em)

First off, I just love how when somebody starts with the words
"no offense," that usually means they're about to say something
that will definitely offend you...

So yeah, no offence but your calves are terrible.

(ok, maybe you're one of the few that are happy with your calves
that you've gotten either through hard work or genetics - this
exercise will be a great one for you, too)

The reason most people have terrible calves is that
they've given up.

Let's face it...calf training is generally not high on the priority
list for most people and it's tough to squeeze any real growth
out of them when they seem to fight it every step of the way.

That's where this exercise comes in...the Donkey Calf Raise.

This is easily one of THE best exercises for developing the
calves...and yet, you'll almost NEVER see anybody doing this
at the gym...even when that gym has a donkey calf raise
machines and ESPECIALLY when that gym doesn't have a
donkey calf raise machine.

That's where I've got your back...

The exercise I've got for you today is the Lengthwise Barbell
Donkey Calf Raise...

The exercise I've got for you today is the Lengthwise Barbell

It's going to allow you to do a Donkey Calf Raise anywhere
there's a rack to set a barbell in (which makes it ideal for home
gym use, in addition to the regular gym). It allows you to use
as much resistance as you want or need and it allows for much
greater freedom of movement, rather than locking your body
in like a machine does.

This setup is MUCH better than any machine I've used and
it's going to help you take your calf development to a whole
new level.

Check Lengthwise Barbell Donkey Calf Raises here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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