Subject: New exercise to get YOKED and get that look of power...

Even though technically, it's a Cable-Barbell Seated Row, you could also call this one a Yoke Row because of how it targets the exact muscles of the "yoke" (i.e. the upper back, middle and upper traps, and shoulders).

If you want to deveop the look of power that comes with building up those muscles, this is an exercise you're going to want to try.

It's basically a combination between a seated cable row and an upright row, only without the shoulder issues that come with standard upright rows.


It will blow up your yoke like crazy and really light up your upper traps.

You'll need a few pieces of equipment, which I'll explain as we go.

First, set a flat bench a few feet away from a low pulley. Set the pulley with a farily light to moderate weight...I'm using 60 pounds on the stack.

Next, attach the cable to a bar. This can be done by looping a short length of chain around the bar and clipping it back on, or by putting an ankle harness around the bar, or by simply looping just the cable around the bar and clipping it back onto itself. Any of these methods works fine.

Load the barbell with a a lighter to moderate weight - I'm using a pair of 25 pound bumper plates for a total of 95 pounds on the bar.

These may seem like light weights for a row, but the combination of the two forms and angles of resistance will compound strongly.

The bar will start on the floor. Grip the bar with an overhand grip, a little wider than shoulder width.

Now pick up the bar and set it on your thighs, down by your knees. This will get the pulley weight up and get some initial tension. If you don't have a pulley, you COULD potentially use an elastic band instead.

This the start position...seated in an upright position, shoulders forward.

Now the fun begins...

Row the bar up and back into towards your lower abdomen WITHOUT letting it touch your thighs. You're rowing the bar up and back off the legs, not dragging it over your legs.

Pull the bar up against your stomach and hold briefly. Don't let it come down and rest on your upper thighs. We want to keep the tension on the back and traps here. Holding it against your stomach will give you something solid to brace the bar against, so you keep it up off your thighs.

Then put the bar back onto your lower thighs, again not letting the bar touch your thighs.

Here's what it looks like from the back.

Aim for about 6-8 reps of this exercise, stopping briefly to regroup with the bar on your knees. It requires some serious core bracing to perform this one and you'll want to reset your body position and take a breath or two.

The horizontal resistance from the cable will work the upper back and middle traps, while the "raise" of the bar off your legs as you row will target the upper traps and shoulders strongly.

Go lighter than you think you'll need the first time you try this one, so that you get an idea of the form and movement pattern. I would suggest 3-4 sets of this, done after your heavier back training.

At the end of a set, I can promise your yoke will be YOKED.

If you want to try this one, definitely watch the video here to get the best idea of how it's done (full video and explanation).


If you understand it enough and want to just watch from where I start the actual exercise, click here.


Want More Back and Shoulder Exercises Like This?




Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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