Subject: Neck pain, cancer support and the breakdown of civil society...what?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, let me just warn you right up front, this is going to be an
email that doesn't really directly talk about fitness and weight
training, so if you read the subject line of this email and
thought that was the name of a new exercise, then...dang, I don't
think I've ever come up with anything quite like that ever! :)

Anyway, I like to shoot stuff like this out from time to time as
things comes across my desk that I find interesting or that I
think would be of value to you, so feel free to skim these items and
check out what you like.

Rest assured I'll be back to training info in my next email!

So I've got 3 things here for you...


1. Neck and Upper Back Pain

If you suffer from this, I've got a resource that you'll want to
know about (from the same guys who brought you the "Lose the Back
Pain" system). It's a treatment method that doesn't involve drugs
or treats the base cause of neck pain through
balancing the muscles of the neck and upper back rather than just
managing symptoms, which most conventional treatment settles for.

Now, I don't have neck or back pain myself so I couldn't test out
the product on myself, but in reading over the material, it's
definitely quality information and if you suffer from this type
of pain, getting relief without drugs or surgery seems like a
good option to me:



2. Donate $15 for a GREAT cause and get an ebook PACKED with training info...

My friend and fellow fitness author John Romaniello has pledged
to shave his head in support of the St. Baldricks Foundation,
showing support for children with cancer.

And yeah, I wasn't sure about an organization with a name like
that at first either, but it IS legit
( and it's a great cause.

He's set a goal of raising $10K for the foundation, and when you
go to his site and make a donation of $15 or more, he'll send you
an ebook PACKED with great training info contributed by top
fitness authors like myself (I kicked in a great muscle-building
program that alternates extremely high frequency, low-volume
training with extremely high-volume, low-frequency training on a
weekly basis).

You can read more about that cause and his pledge here:



3. Free Survival Workshop - How to ESCAPE, EVADE & SURVIVE
during times of "social chaos".

Ok, so this TOTALLY has nothing to do with's useful
information that could come in VERY handy if you find yourself in
a natural distaster, riot, or other type of emergency where civil
society breaks a Boxing Day sale at Wal-Mart or
something (and I'm only partially joking about that :)

Jeff Anderson (aka the Muscle Nerd, who is also a military close
quarters combat instructor) is going to be hosting a free webinar
on this topic on Thursday, covering stuff like:

* Real world tactics to survive civil unrest (such as natural
disasters, conflicts, demonstrations gone bad, race riots, etc.)

* How to defeat looters and violent opportunists with nothing to
fear during times of lawlessness.

* Escaping violent mobs..when the police and military are
overrun, anarchy consumes everything in the way...and you'd
better know how to leave a danger zone fast!

* "Target hardening" secrets! During times of social chaos, the
more prepared you are, the more likely you are to be tracked and
taken advantage of! We'll talk about ways to stay hidden...even
in plain sight.

* On the run! When you're being tracked by opportunists who want
what you have, you'll need all the tactics you can muster to lose
them fast and escape to safety.

* And a lot more.........

He's only got 200 spots available, so if you're interested, go
grab your spot here:


Obviously, this is a pretty specialized topic that won't appeal
to everybody, but I just wanted to throw it out there in case
you've forgotten all your post-apocolyptic survival training from
the old Mad Max movies...


That's it for today! I've been shooting some great new HD
exercise videos since I got a shiny new camera and I'll be
sending another over to you tomorrow.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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