Subject: My "secret" ROM method for building bigger shoulders...

Building the shoulders effectively can be tough for many people (myself included!).

Personally, I find that regular shoulder pressing doesn't really get the job done for me...when I use heavy weight for too many workouts in a row, I get shoulder pain.

And when I don't use enough weight, I don't get any growth or strength.

It's a balancing act that is made even more challenging by the fact that my shoulder joints aren't put together completely right! I walk a fine line between developing shoulder strength and mass and shoulder injury.

And I know this is a common issue that a lot of people have.

That's where Range-of-Motion (ROM) Triple Add Sets come in...

This training technique is my solution for really attacking the shoulders throughout their range of motion with moderate'll get enough tension for growth while still using a light enough weight that it avoids shoulder pain.

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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