Subject: Muscle fiber splitting to multiply growth potential... can it be done?

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It's called Hyperplasia...muscle fiber splitting.

And it's the "Holy Grail" of increasing muscle size.

Let's say you're born with 10,000 muscle fibers in your biceps...and another guy has 15,000... who do you think will have an easier time building bigger biceps?

Clearly, the more fibers you've got, the more growth potential you've got.

If you feel you've hit your "genetic growth limit," muscle fiber number is a MAJOR reason why. You could very well have maximized what you've got.


Now...imagine if you could train to INCREASE the number of muscle fibers you've got...

Building mass would not only be MUCH easier, it would dramatically increase the potential size you could achieve.


So how do you achieve hyperplasia?

This is where the "fun"'s not easy.

In fact, it can be downright brutal (I know I'm doing a really good job selling you on this...but I've gotta be honest about it).

The key lies in targeting the stretch position of a stretch-focused exercise (like incline curls, for example) with massive, focused volume.


I've put together a Hyperplasia Protocol that I believe CAN achieve muscle fiber splitting...

And it's ONLY available with my Muscle Explosion program...

...because it's actually BUILT RIGHT IN to the framework of the Muscle Explosion program.

When used in conjuction with the overall program structure, the training you'll find in this protocol is going to give you the best shot at multiplying your muscle fibers for dramatically increasing your growth potential.

Will it be

Effective? Absolutely.

Learn more about Muscle Explosion here and get The Hyperplasia Protocol when you pick up your copy (currently on sale for 40% off until Saturday at midnight).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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