Subject: Move like you're 18 again...(price is going up)

Hey, just wanted to drop you a quick note to remind you that the price on Jen Sinklers "Lightning and Thunder" program will be going up (by a LOT) at midnight tonight.

If you're interested in speed, agility and quickness...basically regaining your athleticism...that's what this program is all about.

It's something we lose as we get older and yes, you CAN train to get it back.

This is also perfect if you're a coach or trainer who wants to incorporate results-oriented athletic drills into your training programs.

This is an excellent has workouts for complete beginners all the way to advanced trainers and athletes, with contributions from some of the best athletic coaches in the fitness industry.

If you're interested in regaining some of your "lost" athleticism, I would HIGHLY recommend you pick up a copy of this "Lightning and Thunder" program before the price jumps up tonight at midnight.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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