Subject: Most people train biceps you?

When you know how to train them RIGHT,
you can make them look bigger AND better
without any more effort than you're putting
in right now.

Because the way most people train their biceps creates a very
appearance. Their inner biceps are more developed
than their outer biceps.

The sad thing is that some people believe this is the natural
appearance of their arms... that it's genetics.

And they couldn't be more wrong.

Learn Strategic Biceps Exercises for Balacing Your Bicep Development

As much as I dislike using this phrase... "It's not your fault"...that's
exactly the case here. It's the fault of your program.

Most training programs don't take aesthetics into consideration....
just indiscriminate mass.

Your biceps should look round and full. The outer portion of your
upper arm should be attention grabbing. This is what creates
that eye-catching, detailed separation between the delts and
your arms.

Yet in many cases, this is the portion of your arm that looks flat
and underdeveloped.

If your inner biceps are fuller than your outer biceps, it's crucial
that you modify your workouts to include exercises that balance
the workload out, in order to balance your biceps and create a
more aesthetically pleasing look.

Sculpt Fuller & Rounder Biceps With This
Strategic Plan of Attack for Your Biceps

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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