Subject: Maximize your testosterone levels with these habits, tricks and tactics...

Let's face men, it seems like the modern world is specifically geared to DESTROY our testosterone levels.

Here's what I'm talking about...

1. The foods you eat can tank your T levels.

Low-fat diets are horrendous for testosterone levels. Your body needs fat to produce hormones like "T". Reducing fat intake too low is a surefire way to lose your drive.

2. The products you put on your body can tank your T levels.

If you use shampoo and soap with certain ingredients (parabens, for example), it's almost like applying an estrogen cream to your skin (ok, maybe not to THAT degree, but you get the idea).

3. Stress, poor sleep and a weak mindset can tank your T levels.

These things lead to increased cortisol production, which works directly against testosterone in your body.


What I've got for you today is a SOLUTION to the testosterone-hammering problems above.

It's called The Testosterone Routine, created by my friend and colleague, Chad Howse.

This is a straightforward guide to restructuring your dailly routine to maximize your own NATURAL testosterone production.

There are no supplements involved... just simple changes you can make to your day to jack up your test levels.

This is really good stuff...I use a lot of these tactics myself and I can tell you that it works (my favorite is eating plenty of cholesterol in the form of half a dozen organic whole eggs from a local farmer every single day...cholesterol is a direct precursor to testosterone. Chad goes into this and why it works in more detail in the book).

Learn more about how to raise your T levels with "The Testosterone Routine" here.

And don't just read the book...DO the things inside the book (they're not complex). You WILL notice a difference.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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