Subject: "Mad Scientist of Muscle Grip Shirts" back in stock...get yours now!

And let me tell you, if you haven't seen these yet, they are freaking AWESOME.

Not only do they look cool, they will actually help you squat and bench press more weight immediately (this is for real...I'm not making that up).

Here's the front of the sleeveless one (also available in regular T-shirt style).

However the BACK is actually the coolest part...the pattern you see on the back is rubberized grip stuff...on the outside AND the inside of the shirt.

When you wear this shirt for bench pressing, your back GRIPS onto the bench, so that when you drive with your legs pressing out of the bottom, you don't slide.

This means you transfer more force through your lower body into the're stronger, in other words.

And yes, it actually works GREAT for this purpose....not a gimmick.

When you wear this shirt for squatting, the grip provides a slip-proof surface for the bar to rest on. It's like somebody clamping the bar onto your back...and that means no bar slippage, which is especially useful on higher rep sets.

You will get more out of every set of squats that you do. I absolutely love it for squatting with.

Get your Mad Scientist Grip Shirt are very limited! (I've got some blue and gray t-shirts in stock as well right now).

And yes, I do ship internationally...anywhere the Post Office ships to, I ship to.

I have charts with current inventory listed on the order/info page...if I don't have any in your size or preferred style, just fill in the form at the bottom of the page and I'll hook you up in the next order I put in.

Get your Mad Scientist Grip Shirt here now while supplies last!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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