Subject: Mad Scientist Muscle is now live!

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Mad Scientist Muscle

First off, thanks again for signing up and picking up a copy of
the report "2 Simple rules to Double Your Muscle-Building

My new "Mad Scientist Muscle" book is up and ready to grab!


I've gotten a TON of great comments on the site and I can see
there is a HUGE need for this kind of science-based training.

I've got the winners of the complimentary copies of the books, too!

I have to say, while the random one was easy to pick (just had my
wife throw out a random number to me and I counted the comments
down), selecting winners myself for the books was TOUGH. There
were so many great submissions and great stories!

#1 - The first copy will go to the submitter of a comment or
question that I selected at random from those posted.

The winner of this book is Tambry.

#2 - For the second and third copies, I wanted to hear YOUR
stories. I'll select one male and one female winner for these two

The male winner of this book is Benj R., who has done an amazing
job fighting his back into shape and needs help to continue so he
can be there for his son. The female winner is Tina, whose post
on being the "rebel" trainer in her gym where the owner doesn't
think women should use heavy weights and who's trying to open a
gym of her own won me over.

Congrats to the winners!

And as I mentioned above, the book is live and on sale so click
over to the site and grab your copy now!


That's it for now!


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