Subject: Looking for 8 motivated individuals...

...that are ready to change their BAD eating habits into GOOD ones.

We all know nutrition is a HUGE part of training success and just being healthy in general. Without good nutrition, it's like building a castle on quicksand.

For me, I've got training down cold...and I know enough about nutrition to get the results for myself that I want.

However, YOU might need something different...and I want to make sure that you have access to the best help I can send your way.

With that in mind, I've partnered with Andrew Judson of Additional Nutritionals to help change the way you think about and eat food, so that you can achieve all your health and fitness goals...WITHOUT dieting.

Diets CAN work as a temporary solution, but for real long-term results, you have to make lifestyle changes.

We all know this....just sometimes we forget... ;).

There is no magic pill here. There is no "one size fits all" BS. There are no "lose 20 lbs in 3 days" fixes.

What you need is a carefully designed plan that involves customization, education, motivation and support....that leads to REAL, LONG-LASTING RESULTS that won't damage your health.

So to help you move forward with a customized nutrition plan, Andrew has created the 2017 Heat Wave Game Changer Special.

With this, he'll give you 16 weeks of customized nutritional programming for the same price as 12 really make this lifestyle change stick.

This is an extra MONTH of nutritional programming, customized to YOU and YOUR goals, your needs and your preferences.

Please note, though, this offer is limited to the first 8 people ONLY.

That's not all...

You'll also get an extra 4 weeks you can gift to a loved one, dear friend, spouse, or family member because we know how important it is to do this with us and a support buddy for that extra layer of accountability.

So 20 weeks total with the 4 weeks to share the love.

We all have busy lives, and because of this we need structure, support and a plan that gets us from A-Z.

THIS is that plan.

With that said, IF YOU:

~ Are looking to feel amazing
~ Are looking to set an example of healthy eating for your family and friends
~ Are willing to follow a custom made nutrition plan 80% (we don't expect 100%) of the time that educates you for the entire time you work with us
~ Are ready to listen, ask questions, learn and apply what we teach you
~ Are ready to have a plan with healthy carbs in it, along with healthy proteins and fats
~ Want to lose some inches and body fat
~ Want to have insane amounts of energy
~ Want to fit back into some old clothes or buy some new ones
~ Want to have this be your LAST stop for nutrition planning and support

Click here to change your nutrition and change your life NOW.

This 2017 Heat Wave Game Changer Special is only available to the first 8 people who sign up and spots will go FAST.

Here's some feedback from other people who have worked with Andrew and his team...


Diane Lejeune

My journey on this last game changer with Additional Nutritional has been a life-changing experience.  

Unhappiness with my body and general fitness level had been growing and I began seeking solutions. I started working out with a personal trainer, which was a great first step, but he reminded me that to achieve weight loss it is 80% what you eat and 20% working out.  That was when he suggested I try Additional Nutritional. Although leery at first about committing to a meal plan, I decided to give it my best effort.

I submitted a questionnaire detailing my activity level and eating habits, along with initial pictures and measurements.  Shortly thereafter, I received a body analysis and individualized meal plan. To my relief, the plan was simple to follow and the meals were easy to prepare.

Before long, I had fallen into a new routine of meal prep and eating the appropriate foods at the right times for my body type. I couldn’t believe how quickly the weight began to come off, but even more importantly, how much better I began to feel.

In addition to this, I was receiving regular phone calls from the staff to check on my progress and offer support, plus I could easily use the online chat to express concerns or ask any questions. I am 30 pounds lighter and have lost over 22 inches!

I have learned what to eat and how much to eat to maintain a healthy weight. Additional Nutritional has given me the tools and the confidence to continue on with a healthy lifestyle. For this I am forever grateful!


Adam Gillis

I had been going to the gym steady for a year and a half and although I was active I found myself plateauing and using my "busy schedule" as an excuse to develop unhealthy eating habits.

Additional Nutritional provided me with the structure and guidance to get back on track and not only achieve my fitness goals but surpass them. The meal plans provided by Additional Nutritional were easy to follow and any questions that I did have were answered quickly by their knowledgeable staff.

Since beginning this program I've become more organized, not only in meal planning but overall; I have more energy; I sleep better; and I feel great. I started this program with a goal in mind of losing 20 pounds. In four months, I have lost almost 40 pounds. 


Courtney Jones

This experience has changed my life. Not only to lose weight but to keep it off. It changed my view of food and how I enjoy it, indulge and keep on track. It provided me with the fundamentals needed to not only diet but to change my lifestyle. It motivated me to be better all round, even in the gym.

The experience overall was great and easy to use. The customized plan made me feel like I had a say in everything I ate, and my needs,  lifestyle, and dislikes were fully taken into consideration to make it easier to follow.


Learn more about the Additional Nutritional customized nutrition plans and get started today!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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