Subject: Last chance is NOW... (get up to 3 of my books free)

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Right now is your LAST chance for an incredible deal...

I've been talking about this product for the past few days...and now it's coming down to the wire.

When you pick up Magnesium Breakthrough through any of the links in my emails (through midnight tonight), in addition to the discounts and the bonuses they're giving you, I'll give you any one, two or three of my books for free.

  • If you buy one bottle, I'll give you one book.
  • If you buy the three bottle package, I'll give you two books.
  • If you buy the six bottle package, I'll give you three books.

Just forward your email receipt to with your book(s) request and we'll get it set up for you.

You can see my full line-up of books on this page here.

And if you get the six bottle package, I'll even hook you up with my entire Lifetime Best Exercises All Access All-Book package ($275 value).


If you've been getting my newsletters for any length of time, you know I don't gush like this about just any supplement.

This is one of those rare supplements that I think EVERYBODY should be taking...

My father takes mother-in-law takes wife takes sister-in-law takes it...I take it.

It offers tremendous benefits for everybody, whether your goal is to increase strength and mass or to be able to go to sleep at night and stay asleep or even just help your body deal with everyday stress.

This is good stuff.

And NOW is your last chance to take advantage of this killer deal of discounts, bonus supplements and free books from me.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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