Subject: Killer "Mass Building Trick"...From PRISON!

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a quick guest article here from my buddy Jeff
covers a great exercise for hitting the inner chest very
effectively. I've used this one myself (and the variation he
mentions) and it WORKS.

And if you're interested in building muscle, make sure you sign
up for the free online mass-building seminar Jeff is putting on
this Thursday. He may not look like Mr. Olympia but the dude
really knows his stuff when it comes to training (sign-up link is below).



Prison is tough!

Well, not that I'd know PERSONALLY, but I've seen enough movies
and reality shows to know that:

* Get a tattoo FAST or you'll look like a sissy

* Watch your back in the showers

* And don't ask the mutant serial killer from "Cell Block H"
to spot you on the bench press!

In fact, when it comes to the weight training equipment in "the
yard", you'll find only the bare minimum.

That means, unless you're already about 250 lbs of badass, your
chances are next to zero you're going to get ANY time on the
bench press.

(Of course, packing a sharpened toothbrush "shiv" always helps ;-)

Fortunately, the smarter inmates figured out how to use limited
equipment to work their chest without having to resort to gang

Here's a killer (no pun intended) mass-building exercise straight

from the maximum security prisons you can use to add a few extra
layers of muscle to your chest in no time.

In fact, this little trick will even help you zero in on that
hard to hit "inner chest" area to carve out that canyon-like
cleavage between your pecs that's so hard to develop!


Here's how it works...


* Grab a single dumbbell with your hands overlapping on the
handle and thumbs near each other (You can go pretty heavy
with this one) and lay on a flat, incline, or decline bench.

* Keeping the dumbbell in line with your body (facing
head-to-toes), bring the weight directly over your chest in
a regular pressing motion.

* At the top, pause and SQUEEZE very hard at the top of the
movement while scrunching your shoulders toward one another
so you really feel the tension in your inner pecs.

* If you don’t have a heavy enough dumbbell available, use 2
dumbbells held together with your palms facing each other
and press without moving them apart.

What you'll find is that the neutral hand position combined with
the ultra-close hand positioning allows you to flex your pecs in
a way that you could NEVER get from your regular bench press.

Shoot for about 10 reps and after just a few sets, you'll get an
insane pump in your chest and that celebrated "ooh that hurts!"
feeling the next day that we all love!


Want 5 more ADVANCED mass building tricks?


If you're tired of the same old training routine and you're
looking for CUTTING EDGE SECRETS for adding layers of thick new
mass, then you're going to want to see this.

This coming Thursday, there's going to be a FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP
devoted to one thing...

...gaining the most muscle in the shortest time possible!

It's called "5 Advanced Mass Building Secrets"!

But seating is limited so if you're up for some amazing new
mass-building techniques, you need to grab a seat NOW, ok?

Here's the site where you can go and register:



Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover:


* The #1 muscle building technique that allows you to build
more mass in less time!

* The little known training secret that INSTANTLY targets 60%
more muscle fibers for a mass-building meltdown!

* The most overlooked phase of your workout that's absolutely
DESTROYING your body's natural anabolic response!

* FINALLY! The TRUTH about how often you need to train to
maximize your muscle gains! (3 days/wk? 4? 5? The science
doesn't lie!)

* The ultimate "mass-killer" that affects 95% of all
struggling gym rats...and how to defeat it once and for all


Only 200 seats available! Register NOW at:



You can attend LIVE from anywhere in the world and it won't cost
you a dime.

There will even be a FREE REPLAY if you can't attend the Thursday

workshop but you MUST register to gain access.


P.S. - WARNING: Do NOT mistake this to be some boring old "do
this exercise for 8-12 reps" B.S.!

This free training will literally change the way you train in
your very next workout!

But seating is limited so go and secure your spot NOW at:


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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