Subject: Incredible high-volume back workout...(done in 20 minutes)

This method is going to get deep into the muscles of your mid and upper back with some serious work.

We'll be using the same "up-and-down-the-rack" method previously shown with squats, deadlifts and bench press. In this case, we're going to be using Barbell Bent-Over Rows.

Now, just so you know up front, you will need to have a STRONG lower back to perform this one in the standing bent-over position. Your lower back will be the limiting factor with this method...not the lats, not the upper back, not even your grip strength. If you have any lower back issues, you may want to skip the one or use a chest-supported row instead.

I'm demonstrating this one with a close, underhand grip to target the lats more strongly. You can also use a wider, overhand grip instead to target the upper back more.

I recommend performing this one in conjunction (either after or before) the barbell bench press "up-and-down-the-rack" method. Each one takes about 20 minutes or so to get through and are nice, antagonistic exercises to use against each other. You'll end up working basically the entire upper body in one workout here by doing it this way. Just take 5 minutes rest in between blocks.

The weights aren't as heavy as the squats or deadlifts, making the combo not quite as taxing on your recovery and your nervous system.

As well, by doing them in the same workout, you can use the exact same equipment (bar and weights). In this case, I'm starting with 95 lbs on the bar.

When doing underhand rows, your body will be a bit more upright than with overhand, wide-grip rows because of your knees being in the way during the bottom half of the movement.

Crank out as many reps as you can...we're looking for 30+ on the first set.

Then add 10 pounds to the bar ...5 on either side. If you're using lighter weights and have 2 1/2 lb plates use those and go up by 5 lbs total instead. We want to make sure we're getting at least 10 or so increases on the way up to your heaviest weight so that you're getting plenty of volume.

Keep adding 10 pounds and repeating sets until you get to your current "fatigued" one rep max. For me, this was 215 lbs on the bar.

Then come back down...pulling off 10 lbs and going again.

Repeat all the way down to your start weight.

Now, as I mentioned above, your lower back will be on FIRE as you perform this technique. Even using your lightest weight, you'll likely not be able to get a whole lot of reps because your lower back won't let you. Just get as many as you can.

It's not harmful to the lower back as long as you keep good body position...but it's definitely also not comfortable.

Once you've done as many as you can, set the bar down and you're done.

This method will result in some nice, deep soreness in your mid-and-upper back and is also a fantastic metabolic conditioning tool because of the constant workload with very little rest.

Check out the video for this one here...


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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