Subject: In the spirit of New Years...Yoga vs Alcohol...[funniest thing you'll see all year]

First off, I want to wish you a very Happy New Year! In closing out 2012, I want to thank
you for being a part of what I do...which is bring a measure of creative insanity to an otherwise
dry and dull fitness world ;).

I couldn't do what I do without you and, to me, nothing is more rewarding than hearing how my
programs and exercises have positively impacted your training and your life and for that, I thank you.

And on that note, I wanted to bring you something that I found absolutely hilarious...and very
appropriate for the celebrations that will be happening tonight...

Yoga vs Alcohol

And yes, you are welcome to forward this along to your friends and family who might appreciate it :)...

And one last quick thing...if you're looking to really make some big changes and transform
yourself in the New Year...(and not like the pictures on the right!), this is something you
might be interested in.

I've partnered with my friend Craig Ballantyne of Early to Rise to bring this very cool contes
t to you.

Craig is giving away more than $100,000 in cash prizes to people who transform
their lives over 90 days. It's FREE to join. You can win serious money by making positive
changes in your life.

Doesn't necessarily have to be about fitness...this contest covers a lot of different aspects
of life. Definitely worth checking out:

Join here for FREE and make 2013 your best year ever.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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