Subject: INSANE forearm pump from this exercise....Leaning BFR Wrist Curls

The pump you're going to get from this one is seriously going to blow your mind.

It's a Blood Flow Restriction exercise...but you don't need any sort of BFR bands or straps to do it.

We're going to make use of body position and pressure to get that "occlusion training" effect and muscle growth results without strapping up.


What is Blood Flow Restriction Training?

Basically, it means restricting the flow of blood out of the muscle in order to trap waste products in the muscle while you're training it.

These waste products actually contain a TON of growth factors that can help spark localized muscle growth.

You've likely seen people doing curls with straps or bands around their upper arms to achieve this effect. I've posted about these types of straps before....they work and the science is legit.


How Does The Leaning BFR Wrist Curl Work?

To do this variation of the wrist curl, you're going to need two dumbbells, a flat bench and another raised surface (like a bench, a chair, or pretty much anything you can set your feet on).

Use a weight you could do about 12 to 15 reps with on regular dumbell wrist curls. Don't go heavy on this one.

Place the bench about 3 feet in front of the chair. The bench should be perpendicular to the chair as you'll be doing the wrist curl exercise with your forearms across the WIDTH of the bench.

Pick up your two dumbbells. Rest your forearms on the bench with your palms facing up, and kneel down in front of the bench, just as though you were about to do a wrist curl.

I prefer to set the forearms on the bench just far enough apart so that the dumbbell ends are pressed together during the exercise. I find this helps increase the force you're able to generate during the exercise.

So now you're kneeling in front of the bench, your wrists are extended down and you're about to do a wrist's the trick. You're going to set your feet up on that chair or bench behind you.

(I came up with this one a long time ago, as you can probably tell from the pictures ;)

When your feet are up on the chair, keep your body completely tight and fairly straight (doesn't have to be plank straight).


Let your bodyweight lean forward and down onto your forearms.

Bend your elbows so that they are as bent as they possibly can be and your entire bodyweight is leaning forward and supported on your forearms.

THIS position and pressure is what creates the occlusion effect.

Now start doing wrist curls.

You'll find that with your forearms not only performing the wrist curl movement but also supporting your bodyweight with the elbows in the completely flexed position, they will start filling up with blood FAST.

This flexed-elbow position puts your forearms muscles into their most anatomically-possible "peak contraction" position. The contraction will be intense.

I recommend that you do this exercise with dumbbells rather than a barbell because dumbbells allow your wrists and forearms greater freedom of movement to not only find their best path for the exercise but also to increase the stabilizing requirement as you're leaning down onto your forearms. Barbells lock you into the movement too much.

Use this exercise at the end of your workouts...don't do it first or your forearms will be exhausted and you won't be able to grip as well during your workout.

It's a killer forearm exercises that takes full advantage of your biomechanics and anatomy to do highly-effective Blood Flow Restriction Training without straps.

Word of advice, don't try and do anything that requires any degree of fine motor control in your hands for at least a few minutes after you're done (like writing in a training log). Your forearms will be trashed and your handwriting will end up looking like mine on a good day!


Get Your 5-Piece Grip and Forearm Gym Here...

I've talked about this the past couple of days because it's a CRAZY good deal.

Fifteen bucks for 5 pieces of high-quality forearm and grip training equipment in a complete package.

Having a strong grip is a hugely important part of weight training...and life in general, I might add!

This kit gives you everything you need to build your grip, hand, finger and forearm strength FAST.


I like this deal so much, when you pick up this grip gym, I'll give you a copy of my book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" for free.

Just forward your receipt to after you purchase and I'll send you a copy of "The Best Arm Exercises," that includes 68 killer exercises for biceps, triceps and forearms.

Supplies are limited (for real), so if you're interested, definitely jump on this ASAP.

If you want a stronger grip, this deal is exactly what you need...the price is dirt cheap.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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