Subject: Hypertrophy MAX closes tonight...[read this if you're serious about muscle]

Final Notice: The Hypertrophy M.A.X. program closes its doors to new members
tonight and does not re-open until June 2013.

==> Hypertrophy M.A.X. is CLOSING It's Doors TONIGHT ------- Less than 24 hours to Test Drive Phase 1 on YOUR TERMS

Just wanted to get this out to you in case you were thinking about joining and needed a
last-minute reminder.

And yes, you CAN name your own price on the first phase to test it out - this is a great
option if you're interested but want to see what it's all about. However, if you're ready to
make the full committment to the full year of guided training, you'll be able to get a full
60% off the price.

I've read through the entire program and I learned a LOT. This is really top-quality information.

And remember, when you pick up their program (no matter what price you sign up at), I'll
kick in a copy of my own "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass" program. Just
make sure you buy through the links in my emails to qualify (then send your receipt to and we'll hook you up).


Here's a "Top 10" list that Vince and Ben sent me for reasons why to join:

1. Hypertrophy MAX is the ONLY Pro-Created 12-month muscle building
program that PERIODIZES all 6 scientifically-proven variables of muscle
growth into a simple, strategic and step-by-step system -- delivering
COLOSSAL gains in size & strength!

2. The program has a 84% "retention rate" which means that
of the 1,121 members who joined in June 2012, 84% of them are STILL
going strong. In the Internet world, 84% retention after 6-months is
JUST MIND BLOWING and PROVES that paying members are seeing
results they never thought possible...

3. You can commit to the entire 12-months of hardcopy newsletters,
monthly DVD's, phone coaching & private forums for a WHOPPING
60% off the retail price if you pay in full. It's a legit $667 saving!

In this program, 58% of the members have taken the PAID IN
FULL option showing their commitment to getting FOCUSED for the next
12 months - NO more wasting time surfing the Interwebz and getting
lost in complex and conflicting academic debate... This is ALL about
applying methods & strategies that WORK in the real world... this is all
about REMODELING your physique in 2013.

3. If you're skeptical or just a discerning steward of your money, you
can have the entire Phase 1 Package shipped to your front door ON
YOUR TERMS. You can NAME YOUR PRICE for the first phase
and if H-MAX delivers the goods then you can stay on board. If not,

==> Hypertrophy M.A.X. is CLOSING It's Doors TONIGHT ------- Last chance to Name Your Price

4. The 'Pause & Prime' Preparatory Phase & MI40 Execution
Videos for FREE. Everyone that signs up this week is now going to
get the Primer Phase and this is something you MUST keep for the
rest of your life, this is exactly what you MUST do before you start
ANY program. This is truly the BEST way to prime your muscles and
ensure maximum growth. End of story.

5. You get to work with not one but two of the world's most respected
and knowledgable coaches who have 29-years of combined experience,
Honors Kinesiology Degrees, over 100,000 online success students,
634 in person clients and 24 combined competitions! I dare you to
find two coaches with the same track record! With all that said,
Ben and Vince are still two regular guys who have a passion for fitness
using their success as a platform to coach and inspire you.

6. NEW ANNOUCEMENT:: A number of people missed Tuesdays' Fast
Action Bonus: Ben Pakulski's Advanced Hypertrophy & Fat Loss Techniques
seminar video and you're going to get that for *FREE* too, it's already on
the members page to watch through the holidays. This was a seminar
attendees paid $150 get get access to and you won't pay a penny!

7. If you want GAME CHANGING results, you NEED A COACH. A

c oach has ONE primary goal:


You will know EXACTLY how to eat and train each day and your job
is very simple: EXECUTE and focus on making TODAY your best day
ever. Follow the workouts. Follow the diet. Rest when they say rest
and grow faster than ever before.

==> 60% Off Hypertrophy MAX + Bonuses ------- Closing tonight!

8. You're getting 1 unique hypertrophy model (i.e workout) each month
and every month is built upon the previous one. These are not your
generic Muscle & Fiction workouts! Each one is HAND DESIGNED by
two Pros with exercise science degrees. Every 30 days you'll have
a new workout program to look forward to, and your gains will NEVER
halt because the workouts are periodized.

Many of you have NOT followed a "12 month plan" and I know that might
sound daunting but you're ONLY getting ONE phase at a time, to keep
you FOCUSED. No looking ahead. No get distracted. LASER LIKE FOCUS!

Every phase is skilfully balanced, organized and progressed off the previous
one. We're giving you a MAP. It's amazing how much faster you get
to your destination when you get on the right road and avoid detours!

9. Monthly Coaching Calls with us and your fellow members to trouble
shoot your questions! And a private members forum that is already BOOMING.

10. The program is HARDCOPY! Each month your new Phase will be shipped
to your front door (we pay the shipping & handling for every month but the first
one ! ) Our goal is to keep this content EXCLUSIVE for members only. It'll feel
like Christmas morning every time you see your new envelope in the mail.

Bonus Reason: The PRICE. Would you really invest this kind of money and

NOT take action? Let's admit it: MONEY MOTIVATES. Can you really afford to
invest $97 a month and NOT follow through? Investing in a $9 or $27 program
is good and all but does it REALLY hurt if it collects dust on your computer? Not
really! HMAX is for SERIOUS fitness enthusiasts ONLY!

Bonus Reason: Until tonight, you're also getting a *FREE* 12-month membership
to Live Large TV
, the most educational, entertaining and empowering
online show watched by 4,898 males & females from around the world every
Monday at 7pm EST....

Okay, it's decision time. 2013 is YOUR year.

Go, Name Your Price based on what you think this Phase 1 Package is worth to YOU.

Make them an offer. I know they are entertaining anything reasonable.

But they are not taking any more offers after midnight tonight! The doors will be
closed until June 2013 and you'll be put on a Waiting List...

==> Completely Remodel Your Physique in 2013 ------- Last Day to Name Your Price

To remodeling your physique in 2013,

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Remember, when you pick up their program (no matter what price you sign up at), I'll
kick in a copy of my own "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass" program. Just
make sure you buy through the links in my emails to qualify (then send your receipt to and we'll hook you up).


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