Subject: How would YOU react to this?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, last email about Target Focus Training before I get back to
the fitness and training stuff....

I realize this kind of self-defence information is hard to think
about. Nobody wants to think about getting mugged or beaten up or
finding themselves in a violent situation. But I also know how
important it is to KNOW this kind of self-defence
information...information that is REAL and USEFUL in actual
situations where your life is on the line.

I'm honestly NOT trying to scare you into buying something
here...that's why I've arranged for all those 30 memberships for you don't have to spend a DIME to get started with this
stuff. I don't care if you sign up, learn all you can for 29 days
then cancel...if it helps even one person not get seriously
injured or killed, totally worth it to me.

I guess you might say I'm trying to scare you into trying
something for free... :)

Anyway, the question I have for you is this...

What would you do if...

(and this is a question with mulitple ways to finish that
sentence - I'm going to throw out some possibilities. Put
yourself into these person's shoes while you read these and think
of what YOU would do and how you would react in the same
situation).'re walking through a city park at night and 2 big guys
come out of nowhere, they both show you knives and demand all
your money. You give them everything. And they walk away...but
suddenly they realize you know what they look like and they BOTH
come CHARGING back towards you to finish you off so you can't
identify them...

(that actually happened in London, England a few years ago...and
it didn't end well for the robbery victim).'re a world champion kickboxer. You're heading to your car
after getting done in the gym and some guy sideswipes it then
drives away. You catch up to him at a stop light and threaten to
beat the hell out of him, confident you can wipe the floor with
him in a fight. He pulls out a gun and shoots you...

(that happened to Alex Gong, a world kickboxing champion...dead
on the scene).'re about to get into your car in a parking garage. Your
car door is open and you're setting your bags in the passenger
seat. Suddenly, a guy comes out of nowhere and puts a gun to your
head, saying he's going to blow your brains out. He's standing on
the other side of the car door from you...there is no way you
could poke his eyes, kick him in the groin or do ANY of the
standard self-defence maneuvers you might ordinarily be familiar
with. The door blocks everything...

But THIS one ended differently...the guy with the gun to his
head had learned Target Focus Training.

He took a quick look to see what vulnerable targets were
available on the guy to attack, then dropped his knee directly
down on the top of the guy's foot with all his bodyweight,
breaking several bones in it. Then he grabbed the guy's leg and
pulled it up as HARD as he could, ramming it against the bottom
of the door.

How did it end?

The would-be robber was still passed out on the ground from the
pain of the injury when the police showed up 10 minutes later.

THAT is what Target Focus Training means to you. The knowledge
to deal with violent situations when there are no other options.

I've never head to use this TFT stuff in a real situation and I
hope I never do. But I KNOW if the time comes where I DO have to
use it, I've got a fighting chance.

And this stuff works for ALL ages...male, female, doesn't

There are still 28 complimentary memberships left, as of the
time I write this so PLEASE, take a few minutes to consider this
seriously. I'll be back with the fitness and training info next
