Subject: How to smoke and drink and live to be 100...

We've all heard the stories of people who smoke and drink every day and live to be 100 years old.

I've actually gotten a lot of questions about this over the years... How do people have habits like that and still live so long?

You hear those stories all the time...enough that it almost makes me want to take up smoking and drinking!

(almost :)

Basically, those people are "outliers"...their genetics are such that they can do stuff like that and get away with it.

That's NOT what works for everybody else.

The rest of us need to actually be a lot more mindful of our health...

But that DOESN'T mean blindly accepting what "mainstream" sources say you need to do...because let's face it...they're wrong constantly.

To give you an idea, the cholesterol you eat doesn't actually have a lot to do with the cholesterol in your blood vessels...that's more a result of what your body makes itself.

Yet mainstream sources will have you terrified to eat eggs, which are literally one of the best foods on the planet for you.


That's where this reference book comes in...

"Healthy to 120" is the name of a book that has some VERY interesting health information, primarily for men who want to live a longer, healthier life as they get into their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond.

After all, you don't want to just get want to have a longer life, but NOT a sick, longer life.

I got a copy of the book and it's really fascinating stuff...really jives with a lot of my own research that I've done for books and programs I've written.

The author's name is Matt Cook, and in his research for the book, he found results of studies that are being buried, ignored or just plain censored, because they don't fit the mainstream medicine narrative of medicating everything that moves (or doesn't move, if it's supposed to move :).


Here’s just a few of the things you’ll find in Matt's "Healthy to 120" book:

  • When a family member had to go on blood thinners, he found this alternative that the doctor was happy with and that you may find helpful to ask your doctor about (page 180)

  • After friends seemed to suffer very severe side effects from cholesterol medications, he began looking for natural alternatives -- and he found them. The doctor told him “You don’t need to take these pills anymore,” and this is what he's been doing ever since (page 162)

  • He was exercising too hard…so instead, he does THIS -- much more fun and pleasurable, and it is hopefully adding decades of healthy lifespan (page 316)

  • Why losing weight the right way made all his health problems better. And nothing else ever worked. The secret was NOT in eating fewer calories, or cutting carbs, or skipping meals. Here’s what has worked for Matt... (page 250)

  • The number one food ingredient that you may want to affects male hormones and can actually harm your health if you eat it too often…(page 48)

  • The simple blue dye that has been known for 150 years to help cells generate energy more efficiently (page 91)

  • Cholesterol is needed for the male body to create all the steroid hormones including testosterone. Matt found a way to help increase the body’s conversion of cholesterol into testosterone (page 168)

  • His blood sugars used to creep up...but not anymore. Now he started to eat a little differently at breakfast, and his blood sugars went from 120 to 88 in the morning. (page 276)

  • Why “calories in equal calories out” may not be true. Discover how he increased his metabolic rate and began burning food faster, letting me lose body fat without cutting calories…(page 292)

  • He had to get up 3 times a night to urinate. "My doctor said my prostate was inflamed, so that it was impinging on my bladder. My wife was tired and cranky because I was waking her up all the time with my bathroom trips. Finally, I started applying a particular over-the-counter substance and now I sleep through the night. I have a normal sized prostate and no more problems." (page 101 of the Healthy to 120 book)

  • When his blood pressure started creeping up, instead of going on a pill that may give terrible, unwanted side effects… Matt found a simple two minute “tweak” that has helped him get to normal blood pressure naturally. (page 139)

  • When his male hormones were low, he discovered that some of the fats in my diet were probably hurting his hormone levels. Now that he's made some simple nutritional changes, he's enjoying good energy, strong muscles, and healthy male hormone levels. (page 243)

  • What Matt discovered about the longest living people on Earth -- two secret foods they eat, and one secret they ALL avoid. Is it the chocolate they eat, the cigarettes they smoke, the liquor they drink? He's done detailed research and discovered some startling facts that he's using in his own life to feel great…(page 33)

  • ...and much, much more...

There's lots of great information in this book..and you can get it basically for free right now. It's very well-researched and packed with referenced material.

Grab your (almost) free copy of Matt's book, "Healthy to 120" here...just cover shipping and it's yours.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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