Subject: How to make your butt look better...the VERY simple way to do it

If you're one of the MANY people (men and women
equally here!) who want a better butt but haven't
had much success, THIS is for you.

I know it's popular to say "it's not your fault" about almost anything
these days...but in this case, it actually COULD be your fault...and
you don't even know it because nobody ever told you WHY.

You see, something as simple as your everyday posture could be
responsible for the tough time you're having getting your butt to
look the way you want it to...larger, firmer, rounder...or even just a
bit better shape.

I've got one simple test and one simple technique
to help FIX your butt...and FAST!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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