Subject: How to get free protein...

This is really cool...

It's a 150 gram container of protein powder...the same brand that I personally use and have been using almost exclusively for the past 5 years. The taste of this stuff is like dessert.

And you can get it almost free here...

(just $4.95 shipping for it, so yeah, not totally free, but very reasonable).

I've found this protein to the best combination of taste and quality of any protein powder I've tried and I've tried a LOT, so I've stuck with it.

It's not cheap, which is why they're making an offer like this to give you a chance to try it out without a big investment up front. Definitely something you should take them up on.

You can learn more about it here and get your container to try out.

I take mine immediately after every training session. It's very low in carbs, so it doesn't interfere with testosterone or GH production post-workout as formulas with a lot of simple carbs can do.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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