Subject: How to get abs like Wolverine...

One of the most impressive 6-pack transformations I’ve seen in Hollywood was Hugh Jackman for his role in Wolverine.

You can tell he didn't rely on CGI...he showed up in incredible shape.

The transformation from the original X-Men movie to the latest movie, Logan, is incredible.  

His abs in particular are awesome.

His dirty little secret to get 6-pack abs involved his diet.

You see, Jackman used Intermittent Fasting to help shed the unwanted belly-fat to get ripped for the movie, Wolverine.

He would skip breakfast and train his abs while fasted.

I understand there is often a lot of controversy about training fasted, specifically worrying about losing muscle mass. That CAN be a valid concern for some people, however, in my experience (which includes training after a full 24 hours of fasting), it's not been a big issue for me.

I used to be very hesitant to train I actually prefer it for fat loss.

Here's MY "Wolverine" look... ;)

Need to work on the sideburns...and the claws...

But you can’t just skip breakfast, workout, and expect to get a 6-pack.

There's a lot more to it than that...

...and the best part is, it only takes 10-minutes per day and it's done with ZERO equipment.

Here's how you do it...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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