Subject: How to burn fat with BODYWEIGHT training...

At home...while travelling...

...wherever you might be, you will ALWAYS have your bodyweight to train with.

It's one of the reasons I'm such a huge fan of bodyweight excuses.

That being said, not all bodyweight training is created equal. Some of it is actually a little bit useless for losing fat.

The trick is know WHICH types of bodyweight training (and exercises) are most useful for fat loss so you can focus your energy in the right place.

My friend and colleague, Jason Klein, has put together a phenomenal program called "Bodyweight Surge" (not related to my Metabolic Surge program, just fyi ;).

This is a 14-day fat-loss "burst" program is designed to be done with ZERO equipment, using only your bodyweight for resistance.

Now, on the website, Jason talks about losing up to 14 pounds of fat in the first 14 days...honestly, I'm a little skeptical of that because that is a LOT of fat to lose in such a short period of time.

That being said, however, don't let that stop you from checking out this program. It's VERY well put together and easy to use, with follow-along workouts that take you through every single training day of the program.

If you've been looking for a good "fast action" kick-start program to get the fat coming off before summer...

Check out "Bodyweight Surge" here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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