Subject: How to bulk up FAST (without getting fat)...

It was the summer of 1991...

I had just graduated from high school at the age of 17...and I was ready for a change.

For the past 5 years, I had been a serious endurance athlete. I was a very fast cross-country and track and field long-distance runner (I could do a 10K in just over 30 minutes), which is VERY fast.

Speedskating, cross-country skiing, soccer, cycling, rollerblading, you name it...if it was endurance-oriented, I was excellent at it.


But I was tired of being weak and skinny...

I weighed 145 pounds, soaking wet...and I was literally ripped to the bone. Looking back, I would say I was probably around 6-7% bodyfat, no exagerrating.

That was great, but what I really wanted to be was BIG and STRONG.

So when I went off to my first year of university, I decided it was time to make it happen...

I had been lifting weights consistently all summer and was learning a lot...but I hadn't gained nearly as much mass as I thought I would.


It was frustrating but I was just getting even MORE ripped instead of bigger (veins in my lower abs kind of ripped).

Now picture this...

I started training an hour and a half to two hours at a time...I started stuffing myself silly with TONS of food (cafeteria food, no lesss, along with extra meals outside the regular ones)...and I started throwing down weight gainer and protein shakes (as much as I could afford).

And I started putting on weight...a LOT of weight.

A good portion of it was muscle but a lot of it was FAT.

By the time the New Year rolled around, I had gained about 30 pounds.


Little did I know, I was hitting the end of the "beginner gainz" phase of my training career.

Everybody who starts training experiences this phase...where your body is so new to training that pretty much everything you do get stronger, you build muscle, you think "this is easy...I'll be absolutely huge in no time."

And you combine this with being 18 years old, the results you get can be downright astonishing. I thought I had this whole thing figured out.

...and then my results started to taper off.


I wasn't gaining weight on the scale, I wasn't getting stronger...I started to get discouraged.

THAT is when I found a program that helped me immensely (if you've been in the game awhile, you might recognize the Bulgarian Burst System, or Serious Growth system).

After devouring all the info, I immediately started training twice a day, six days a week and eating sometimes upwards of 8,000-9,000 calories a day (for real).

The muscle kept piling on...and so did the FAT.

At the end of the school year in April, I weighed in at a monster 217 pounds.


I gained a whopping 72 pounds in just 8 months.

I was big and I was strong...but I was coated in a thick layer of fat, too.

After school ended, I went back home and started to try and lose the fat...and, of course, I didn't really have a clue what I was doing.

I trained wrong, I ate wrong, and I lost a TON of mass and strength.

THAT was even more discouraging than plateauing in my weight gain...all the muscle I had worked so hard to build was slipping away on almost a daily basis.


My first experience with the classic "bulk and cut" was a roller coaster.

Looking back on it, I absolutely would have done a lot of things differently.

I wouldn't have focused so strongly on increasing my scale weight at all the point of putting on garbage weight just for the sake of gaining weight.

I wouldn't have dropped my caloric intake so precipitously when I was trying to lose the fat I had gained.

I would have done WAY more conditioning training as I was gaining the mass (a lot more than the zero I was doing at the time). I got to the point where my blood pressure was in hypertension range and I couldn't walk up a single flight of stairs without huffing and puffing.


It literally took me YEARS of reading, training and experimenting to really figure out what I was doing.

(being honest, I'm STILL reading, training and experimenting to figure it out even better...I know I'll never be 100% satisfied...I will always be a lifelong student of the Iron Game).

I look back on those days and think..."Man, what could I have done if I would have had it all laid out for me rather than having to try and figure it all out for myself. I would have saved myself so much time, money, energy and anguish."

That's why I love what I do right now...I can help guys like you build mass and lose fat without running into all the roadblocks I faced when I was starting out.

It also brings me in contact with some of the brightest minds in the fitness industry.

Which is where a guy by the name of Alain Gonzalez comes into the picture...

Alain faced the same "skinny" roadblocks that I did when I was younger...he conquered them, too...and he wrote a book about the process.

...a book that he wants to give you for FREE.

The book is called "Bulk Up Fast" and it's a fantastic "how to" guide to building muscle and strength without getting fat.

One of my favorite things about the book (after reading it) is the rock-solid, commonsense approach Alain has taken with the whole process.

This is a step-by-step guide, based on his years of training exerience and research, that will help you build muscle mass and gain strength like clockwork while minimizing fat gain.

I've been big and strong and fat...and it sucks.

In his book, Alain will teach you how to get big and strong and LEAN.

Now, just to let you know up front, since this is an actual, physical book you'll receive in the mail, there is a small $7.95 shipping fee to cover to get the book.

If you've ever wanted a tried and true, solid long-term PLAN for getting bigger, stronger and leaner, you will find this book well worth the small price.

Or if you're good with where you're at and you just KNOW somebody who needs this information to do it right, you could get it for them as a gift.

I've read through the's not full of weird, exotic stuff that will leave you scratching your head. This is good, solid info that will get you where you want to go.

Get your free copy of "Bulk Up Fast" here (just $7.95 shipping).


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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