Subject: How to bench press an INSANE amount of weight...

Everybody wants a bigger bench press.

Let's be's an ego lift but it's nice to see people's eyes bug out when you tell them how much you can bench press (because you know they always ask!).

But what do you do if you get stuck at a certain weight with the bench press and you can't seem to budge it upwards a single pound?

The key here is not to work harder but instead work smarter.

In my experience with bench press (and my biomechanics STINK for bench press - I've never had a strong bench and have always had to work hard at it to get anywhere. And even then, it fades fast when I don't keep at it constantly!), it's often not the strength of the muscles holding a person back but the strength of the connective tissue in the shoulders and arms.

When you strengthen the connective tissue, your numbers start going up almost on their own!

And that means partial range of motion training...

Lockout Partial Bench Press For Strengthening Connective Tissue

This quick guide will give all the info you need to using partial training to blast through any bench press plateaus you're stuck in.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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