Subject: How can your nervous system REALLY amplify fat burning?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a short guest article here by Dr. Kareem about his "nervous
system-based" fat loss system works - this is a very nice,
concise explanation of how, exactly, this neural training really
works to kick-start fat-burning.

Nervous system activation is absolutely a real thing...think of
how a downhill ski racer visualizes their run down the
hill...this mental activation primes the body for the actual
physical movements that are going to come. That way, when they
jump out of the gate, their body is already primed and ready.
They've skied the race hundreds of times in their mind (yeah, I
know...doesn't explain the wipeouts :)

Dr. K's program takes the same basic idea of nervous system
activation and applies it to fat-burning...use specific movements
to prime the nervous system to enhance muscle activation which,
in turn, increases metabolism and calorie-burning.


This short article explains it a bit more and will give you a
good idea of why this type of training is so effective for
burning fat before you listen to my interview with Dr. K here
today at 2 pm EST (don't forget to get your questions in so I can
grill him on your behalf!). Here's the link:

Definitely listen in...should be good stufff!



What Is Neural Fitness…And Why Does It Burn Fat So Fast?
By Dr. Kareem Samhouri, CSCS, HFS (Dr. K)
Author, “Double Edged Fat Loss”

Has your diet and exercise program actually trained your body to
HOLD ON to fat?

It’s possible…and what I’m about to reveal could be the
MAIN DIFFERENCE between plateauing in your fat-burning program
and never plateauing again.

You see, here’s the secret…

…”Neural Fitness”!

I can hear you now…”Neural WHO?”

Let me explain…

Neural fitness is essentially the integration of your nervous
system into your fitness program.

This is important because your body speaks a language of
electricity by sending electric impulses through your Central
Nervous System (CNS).

All signals start right here in your brain, come down through
your spinal cord and then exit through nerve roots to each spinal
level then continue to go down to your extremities, your arms,

Bottom line is this…

…unless you can speak to your CNS first, there’s just NO WAY
that your body’s going to respond in kind by building muscle
and burning fat!

But here’s the little known “fat-burning trigger” that
most people don’t realize:

Activating your CNS to burn more fat actually STARTS in your

You see, if you learn how to perform movements by speaking the
language of your nervous system first, starting with
strengthening the trunk and then moving out to your extremities,
then your body can dedicate 100% of the power and 100% of that
electricity to just “turning on” your muscles to stimulate
the breakdown of FAT as fuel!

This NATURALLY jacks up your metabolism to allow you to burn fat
FASTER than you’ve ever seen!

And this is why the “Double Edged Fat Loss” program
specifically structures “neural learning” as a pillar in the
fat-burning process.

Through a specific set of “activation exercises“, you’re
able to maximally stimulate your Central Nervous System to:

- Strengthen your core
- Support an “injury free” structure
- Increase metabolic function
- Naturally balance hormones
- Increase energy levels

The entire program contains VIDEOS and illustrated user’s
guides (along with an assortment of other tools) that take you
step-by-step through the whole program and work with you at
whatever level you’re at now.

By slowly ramping up your CNS activation, you’ll able to make
burning fat a natural process and lifelong achievement for
optimal health!

THAT is the true success of living a fit lifestyle!

Dr. K
Author, “Double Edged Fat Loss”


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