Subject: How can this "BS" help you lose 10-71lbs? this case, "BS" stands for "bull story..."

(yeah, a little creative license there, I know :)

You see, back in 536 BC, there was a man by the name
of Milo from the Greek city of Croton.

He was a 6-time Olympic champion and his physique
was so impressive that his story is still around today
more than 2,600 years later!

As the story goes, Milo built his legendary physique by
training with a baby calf.

He would lift this calf up on his shoulders and carry it
every single day and… as the calf turned into a bull, so
did Milo!

This constant increase in demand sent a loud and clear
signal to his body that forced his physique to change.

The secret Milo discovered is that the way your body
looks does NOT depend on the length or intensity of
your workouts or some fancy diet program.

Put simply...

Your body becomes it's FUNCTION!

Let me show you what this means...

Imagine that you were alive 5,000 years ago. You’re
out one day, walking through the forest, when all of a
sudden a giant Grizzly Bear comes out of the trees
behind you… and he looks hungry!

Heart pounding, you sprint as fast as you can in the
other direction and climb the nearest tree…

What “signal” do you think this “workout” is
sending to your body
about how to adapt to make
sure you’re in the best possible Grizzly-escaping form?

Easy: Build the explosive muscle that you need to
run… and burn off the extra fat that’s weighing you
down and making you bear-bait.

Sounds simple, right?

Now picture this:
Instead of running from a predator
and scrambling up a tree, now you’re just jogging
through the woods for no apparent reason.

And… you keep it up until the timer goes off on your
phone an hour later telling you your workout is over.

So what are your movements telling your body to do
this time?

It hears:...“Burn all the muscle you can...keep just
enough to run at this pace
. Oh, and while you’re at
it, store some more body fat because that’s the
best fuel for long, slow activities like this.”

The lesson to learn here is this...

To Send Your Body Loud And Clear Signals
to Burn Fat and Build Muscle
You Need To
Choose The RIGHT Exercises and Perform
Them In The RIGHT Order!

This is called “Progressive Movement Technology™”
which improves on the existing workout model by
giving you an EXACT template of...

... the best exercises to perform

... in the best order to perform them

... so you can transform your body FAST just like Milo
carrying around that bull!

And you can learn all about it here…

=> What Is “Progressive Movement Technology™”
And How Can It Help You Lose 10, 30 Or Even
71+ lbs…

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel


P.S. Also, be sure to check out the transformation at
the top of the article where a girl used the information
from this story to lose 71lbs! You can see pictures
and check out her full story here…


I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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