Subject: How “Unathletic” people can burn fat FAST...

Now first off, I want to make one thing clear right up front...

I put "unathletic" in the subject line of this email because you MAY consider yourself that and, if so, I wanted you to read this.


You are NOT are NOT "normal"...and you are NOT an "everyday person"...

You are a just don't know it yet... ;).

Heck, the fact that you read my emails means you're already WAY ahead of the curve in terms of training...even if it's just to see what kind of crazy stuff I'll be doing next!

Believe me, I fully realize that not everybody wants to or even SHOULD train like me. I can be a bit over the top on a lot of the stuff that I do.

For example, yesterday, I did hill sprints dragging 40 lbs of chains behind me, then I put on my 85 lb weight vest, carried a 53 lb kettlebell in one hand dragged those 40 lbs of chains behind me again all the way up the hill a bunch of times. It was just brutal.

I do this kind of stuff because, to me, it's fun and I enjoy the challenge.

However, if YOU are not keen on doing this kind of INSANE training but still want great fat-loss results, there ARE ways to accomplish that without crushing yourself, the way I do.

For example, the Metabolic Explosion program from my friend and colleague Dan Faggella.

This program is a far more "gentle" approach to fat loss...perfect if you want results without the brutality :).

In other words...Maximum Effect With Minimum Effort.

Me...I'm going to keep doing insane things like those chain-dragging hill sprints.

Just realize that YOU don't have to, if you've got the right program!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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