Subject: How I gained 25 lbs in ONE week...192 lbs to 217 lbs

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy :) was an experiment I did on
myself a number of years ago. I wanted to see how much rebound
weight gain I could accomplish when I really tried to maximize
every aspect of it.

I've got the full story on it below...before I do, though, don't
forget to pick up the two reports from Vince DelMonte and Lee
Hayward...The Death of Bulking and the Anabolic Amplifier Effect.

These reports cover the same basic ideas that I used to hit that
25 lbs of weight gain in a week...(their reports talk about doing
it with lean mass gain - I was just shooting for total weight sure wasn't 25 lbs of muscle in a week that I gained!).

Definitely good stuff and worth picking up a copy:





It started as a challenge to myself. If I took all the knowledge
I had about weight gain and put it to work all at once, how much
weight could I add to myself in one week? What would my upper
limit be? I had some vacation time coming up where I could do
nothing but eat, sleep and train so I decided to do it. This is
my story...

I knew from the start that this weight gain certainly wouldn't be
all muscle. In fact, it's impossible to gain that much weight in
muscle in only one week (unless you're a baby elephant!). I was
going to gain a combination of muscle, water and most likely some
fat as well. That rapid of a weight gain, however, was going to
force a lot of nutrients into my muscles quickly, resulting in
some permanent muscle gains.

To start my maximal weight gain adventure, I first had to set
myself up for it by dieting down.


Why Diet Down to Gain Weight?

Your body adapts most rapidly to extreme changes in environment.
I knew I wanted to gain weight quickly, therefore I had to first
subject myself to a restricted-calorie diet. When I would reverse
my goals and begin to feed myself again, my body would react by
rapidly sucking up every available calorie and holding onto it.

To further set myself up, the diet I went on was a two-week
carbohydrate-restricted plan, much like the Atkins Diet. For two
weeks, I ate less than 30 grams of carbs per day, sticking to
meats, eggs, cheese and vegetables. This cleared out all the
glycogen I had stored in my body as well as reducing the amount
of water I was carrying (water attaches itself to carbs in your
body - when you clear out the carbs, several pounds or more of
water will be flushed out with it). It was kind of like squeezing
out a sponge - you can fit more water into a sponge that's been
squeezed totally dry than a sponge that's already moist.

It's important to note that I didn't restrict my water intake at
all. That will give you exactly the wrong effect. If you restrict
your water intake while dieting, your body will actually hold
onto more water. If you give your body plenty of water, it will
have no reason to hold onto every drop you give it and will flush
it out regularly.

For training during this phase, I did three high-intensity cardio
sessions per week for about 20 minutes each. This cardio was
extremely tough and designed to burn as many calories as possible
as quickly as possible. This would make my body extremely hungry
for nutrients and ready to absorb as much as possible. I did
high-volume, high-rep weight training (12 to 15 reps per set), 6
sessions per week with very short rest periods to further set up
this effect.


After 2 Weeks of This Training and Dieting, I Was Ready to Start My Weight Gain.

On Saturday evening, after my final training session for the
week, I weighed in at 192 pounds.

On Sunday morning, I woke up and immediately took my first
servings of creatine and glutamine. My focus on this day was to
eat as much as possible, load up on creatine and glutamine and
drink as much water as possible. Both of these supplements are
excellent for forcing water into the muscles. Taking creatine
alone can result in a 5 to 10 pound increase in weight over the
loading phase of 5 days. To further maximize this effect, I had
been off creatine for 3 months prior to this.

I took 4 servings of creatine and glutamine this day, along with
eating as much as I could (for example, eggs, oatmeal, meats,
potatoes, fruits, rice, etc.) and drinking buckets of water. I
would continue loading creatine for the next 4 days, taking
glutamine only after each workout from then on rather than with
my creatine loading. I would start my weight training program on
Monday. I was going to be doing a very demanding program, doing
12 total-body training sessions over the next 6 days.

My theory with doing multiple total-body training sessions is
this: every single bodypart was going to get as much breakdown
and stimulation as possible to maximize the amount of nutrients
being taken up over my whole body. I would do more sets for the
larger parts like chest, back and thighs and fewer sets for the
other smaller parts. Every part would get worked twice a day for
six days straight. This type of training is not appropriate for a
long-term program as it would rapidly lead to overtraining in a
matter of weeks. This was a one-week shot for me and I was
putting everything into it.

After taking my creatine, I made breakfast, which consisted of 10
eggs and a bowl of oatmeal that would feed a family of 4. For
flavor, I mixed in some fruit yogurt. To gain weight effectively,
you really need to eat big.

I got to the gym for my first session that day and weighed
myself. I had gained 10 pounds in the first day. Not a bad start!
All that eating, drinking water and supplementation was paying
off. My body was extremely primed for gaining.

My training session lasted about 45 minutes, during which I
worked every bodypart. After the workout, I immediately took a
mixture of whey protein (40 grams), creatine (5 grams), glutamine
(10 grams) and Tang (sugary powdered drink mix) as well as some
vitamins and minerals (multi-vitamin, calcium, magnesium, vitamin
C, and an anti-oxidant). It's critical to provide your body with
nutrients and raw materials to rebuild with as quickly as
possible after training otherwise your body will just be breaking
itself down.

I got home and set to work making lunch, which consisted of 2
large chicken breasts and a big bucket of spaghetti and meat
sauce. Several hours later, I had a couple of cans of tuna, a
sandwich and some ice cream. Please note, these meals are just
samples of what I ate and not specifically what you should eat.

All during the day and evening, I was constantly drinking water.

When I say constantly, I mean I got up every 10 to 15 minutes and
drank a full glass of water over the course of the whole day. I
was very well-hydrated, which is extremely important for weight
gain. If your muscles don't have enough water, they simply can't

My evening training session was also a total-body workout. At
this point, my body was so flooded with carbs and water from
having come off a low-carb diet, everything I did was giving my
muscles an incredible pump. I was focusing on heavy weights for
sets of 6 to 10 reps during my sessions and stretching out
thoroughly after.

After the workout, I had another supplement and vitamin mix then
went home. I had 4 eggs and a bowl of cereal for a post-workout
meal, then a protein shake right before bed. I mixed up a protein
shake and set it beside my bed so if, in the middle of the night,
I woke up, I could drink a protein shake. This would provide
extra calories and protein and reduce the amount of time I went
without food during the night. And believe me, with the amount of
water I was drinking during the day and during my training,
waking up during the night was a given!

I repeated this type of schedule over the next days, continuing
with my creatine loading, food loading and water loading. By the
end of the second day, I had gained 15 pounds of bodyweight. By
the end of the third day, I was up 18 pounds.

When I finished my creatine loading after the fifth day, I began
taking a protein shake first thing in the morning instead. Taking
protein immediately upon waking is the best way to start the day.
It instantly reverses the catabolic state your body is in after
fasting during sleep.

My training was going well and my body was taking up everything I
was putting into it.

My strength gains were rapid and my fat gains were actually quite
minimal. I was in the home stretch now. On Saturday afternoon, I
went over to a friend's house and had a huge meal of Shepherd's
Pie, which is basically a big pile of ground beef, potatoes and
corn. Great weight gain food.

I went to the gym that night for my final training session of my
weight gain week and tipped the scales at 217 pounds. In only one
week, to give you an idea of the amazing strength and size gains
I got, I was able to increase the amount of weight I could bench
press for 8 reps by 30 pounds and I had added a full inch to my

The best part is, this rapid weight gain was excellent for
stretching the fascia of my muscles, giving them more room to
grow (see link below for more information on fascia and
stretching the fascia for increased muscle growth), leading to
permanent gains in muscle size and potential muscle size.

Using all the knowledge and techniques (and appetite) for weight
gain at my disposal, I had gained 25 pounds of bodyweight in only
one week!


P.S. Here's the link again, if you want to pick up those reports
that go into more detail on this kind of "slingshot" training
effect that I used (and continue to use in my own muscle-building


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